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Saturday, February 8, 2025 date
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  Pollyanna Pickering Foundation  

The Foundation continues in its original aim to help British wildlife in need, and builds pens and aviaries,
 provides equipment and medical supplies for sanctuaries and wildlife hospitals throughout the UK.
The foundation has paid for the construction of aNew hospital unit at the Cedar Wildlife Sanctuary
provided construction materials for new aviaries at Secret world wildlife hospital, provided incubators and runs for hedgehog hospitals and built artificial badger setts and tunnels at a sanctuary in Northumberland to assist in the rehabilitation and re-release of injured and orphaned badger cubs, among many other projects.

 The Foundation’s scope soon widened to raise funds for the protection and rescue of wildlife worldwide as well as emergency disaster relief. Funds have been raised to help protect Rhinos in Africa, Wolves in Ethiopia, orphaned polar bears in the arctic, and build a tiger orphanage in Nepal. We have helped to fund construction of enclosures at Born Free’s big cat sanctuaries in South Africa and Ethiopia. Equipment has been purchased for project tiger rangers working in India, and many smaller grants have been made to wildlife and environmental projects. Through our exclusive adoption programmes, we support a wild cheetah relocation programme in South Africa, and the care of Giant Pandas in China.

The Foundation never forgets the individual animal – we have helped fund the rescue of lions from a Romanian Zoo and their subsequent transfer to the Born Free sanctuary in South Africa. ‘Polly Bear’ is an Asiatic Moonbear previously used in the unspeakably cruel bile bear trade in Vietnam. The Pollyanna Pickering Foundation funded the rescue of Polly Bear, and continues to pay for his care at the Animals Asia sanctuary. The Foundation also works to protect the natural habitat and the environment, supporting selected conservation projects from the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan to the rainforests of Belize.

 The Foundation campaigns actively for animal welfare internationally. Petitions and letter writing campaigns have been organised to help improve the welfare of animals in China, India, Canada and the UK. We have provided materials for project tiger rangers in India for their programme of talks in local schools, and Pollyanna is pleased to be able to use her high profile in the world of Wildlife Art to speak about conservation issues during her popular talks and lectures and in the media.

Web site: www.pollyannapickering.co.uk/foundation.htm

Art for ConservationTM Commitment Goal:
$25,250.00 US.

Pollyanna Pickering Foundation has been indicated by AFC members as a potential recipient of donations by participating artists. AFC's Art for ConservationTM program, provides a forum to promote artwork that benefits recognized conservation organizations such as Pollyanna Pickering Foundation.

AFC members have voluntarily and independently earmarked a portion of the proceeds from the sale of their artwork to Pollyanna Pickering Foundation. AFC's Art for ConservationTM program provides a forum to help promote artwork for sale that includes such a commitment. Each artists's commitment is contingent on the sale of their work and the above estimate is a potential total based on the completion of sale of any original work and/or limited editions. The AFC is not involved in any way with artwork sales transactions, nor does it make any guarantees relating to artist commitments. The AFC takes no commission whatsoever from the sale of artwork under the Art for ConservationTM program, unless explicitly indicated.

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Nature Art | Wildlife Art
Original Painting

"Pride and Glory"
By Gemma Gylling
14 x 11
Scratchboard and Colored Pencil
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Nature Art | Wildlife Art
Original Sculpture

"Purple Gallinule"
By Uta Strelive
7 x 6 x 5.5 (inches)
Tupelo Wood, Painted with Archival Oilswildlife art paintings
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