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Friday, February 14, 2025 date
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Total Originals Committed: 2758
Total Editions Committed: 2436

The AFC Art for Conservation initiative is an innovative program designed to facilitate fundraising for organizations who support nature conservancy. This initiative provides a venue for AFC artists to display artwork to potential buyers from which proceeds are voluntarily earmarked by the artist to a conservation organization of their choice.

Each artists's commitment is contingent on the sale of their work and the above estimate is a potential total based on the completion of sale of any original work and/or limited editions. The AFC is not involved in any way with artwork sales transactions, nor does it make any guarantees relating to artist commitments made within the program. The AFC takes no commission whatsoever from the sale of artwork under the Art for Conservation program.

To view the artwork, click on one of the beneficiary organization links below or click here to view a full listing of all artwork associated with this program.

All Art for ConservationTM Beneficiaries:
Art For Conservation
Nature Art supporting Action For Cheetahs In Kenya (ACK) Action For Cheetahs In Kenya (ACK)
Our mis­sion is to pro­mote the con­ser­va­tion of chee­tahs through research, aware­ness and com­mu­nity par­tic­i­pa­tion in Kenya. We link with other car­ni­vore pro­grammes through Carnivores, Livelihoods and Landscapes
10 artwork(s) for sale
Nature Art supporting African Conservation Foundation African Conservation Foundation
The African Conservation Foundation's mission is to support and link African conservation initiatives, groups and NGOs.
19 artwork(s) for sale
Nature Art supporting Alberta Birds of Prey Foundation Alberta Birds of Prey Foundation
The Alberta Birds of Prey Foundation is Alberta's first privately licensed raptor rescue and conservation organization
9 artwork(s) for sale
Nature Art supporting Alberta Conservation Association Alberta Conservation Association

7 artwork(s) for sale
Nature Art supporting Amphibian Ark Amphibian Ark
The AArk is a joint effort of 3 principal partners: the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA), the IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group (CBSG), and the IUCN/SSC Amphibian Specialist Group (ASG). They were formed to address the ex-situ components of the Amphibian Conservation Action Plan (ACAP).
12 artwork(s) for sale
Nature Art supporting Amur Leopard and Tiger Alliance Amur Leopard and Tiger Alliance
The Amur Leopard and Tiger Alliance (ALTA) is formed of 15 international and Russian NGOs all working to support conservation of Amur leopards and tigers in the wild. ALTA channels money raised by the international zoo community, public and corporate sponsors to four implementing agencies working to save these magnificent and threatened animals.
2 artwork(s) for sale
Nature Art supporting Big Cat Rescue Big Cat Rescue
Big Cat Rescue is the world's largest sanctuary for big cats who have been abused or abandoned.
13 artwork(s) for sale
Nature Art supporting Butterfly Conservation Butterfly Conservation

3 artwork(s) for sale
Nature Art supporting Center for Biodiversity and Conservation Center for Biodiversity and Conservation
The Center for Biodiversity and Conservation is based at the American Museum of Natural History. It's mission is to mitigate critical threats to global biological and cultural diversity by: advancing scientific research in diverse ecosystems; strengthening the application of science to conservation practice and public policy; developing professional, institutional, and community capacity; and furthering the Museum's efforts to heighten public understanding and stewardship of biodiversity.
8 artwork(s) for sale
Nature Art supporting Center For Whale Studies Center For Whale Studies

8 artwork(s) for sale
Nature Art supporting Endangered Wolf Center Endangered Wolf Center

1 artwork(s) for sale
Nature Art supporting Galapagos Conservancy Galapagos Conservancy
Galapagos Conservancy (GC), formerly known as Charles Darwin Foundation, Inc., advocates for the lasting protection of the Galapagos Islands through programs of constituency building, education, and fundraising in North America.
6 artwork(s) for sale
Nature Art supporting Greater Gir Nature Trust  Greater Gir Nature Trust
Working closely with community and local government the mission is to preserve fragile eco-system, Creating corridors, Native tree plantation, Saving Lions and many other species Preservation of Flora and Fauna.
1 artwork(s) for sale
Nature Art supporting Kawartha Turtle Trauma Center Kawartha Turtle Trauma Center
TTC provides medical, surgical and rehabilitative care to injured native turtles in order to eventually release them back into their natural habitat
1 artwork(s) for sale
Nature Art supporting MERR Institute MERR Institute
The Marine Education, Research and Rehabilitation Institute, Inc. ( MERR ) is a non-profit stranding response and rehabilitation organization dedicated to the conservation of marine mammals and sea turtles.
8 artwork(s) for sale
Nature Art supporting Montana Raptor Conservation Center Montana Raptor Conservation Center
The Montana Raptor Conservation Center in Bozeman, MT. is dedicated to the conservation and rehabilitation of raptors.
2 artwork(s) for sale
Nature Art supporting Ocean Conservancy Ocean Conservancy
Ocean Conservancy promotes healthy and diverse ocean ecosystems and opposes practices that threaten ocean life and human life.
29 artwork(s) for sale
Nature Art supporting Pakistan Wetlands Programme Pakistan Wetlands Programme

9 artwork(s) for sale
Nature Art supporting Panthera Panthera
Panthera currently focuses its range-wide conservation strategies on the world's largest, most imperiled cats – tigers, lions, jaguars and snow leopards – and is planning conservation strategies for cheetahs, leopards and mountain lions. Panthera also supports research and conservation activities on populations of other cat species, as well as initiatives to improve felid research techniques and methodology.
3 artwork(s) for sale
nature conservation


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Aja, Douglas
Anderson , Cher
Armstrong, Rosemarie
Arnett, Stuart
Ascough, Stephen
Bach, Del-Bourree
Banks, Patricia
Barron, Anne
Baselici, Sarah
Belair, Suzanne
Berner, Sally
Besse, Linda
Bielanski, Nansi
Billingsley, Cindy
Bomblies, Kirsten
Bowerman, Barry
Boyce, Peta
Breger, Varda
Brooks, Caroline
Brun, Hilde_Aga
Butler, Rob
Cameron, Clarence
Chadwick, Gloria
Chandler, Larry
Chunat, Wayne
Cogley, Elizabeth
Condon, RoseMarie
Cooke, Brent
Coombes, Bryan
Corless, Anne
Correll, Reggie
Crowe, Becci
Dansereau, Jodie
Davis, Daniel
deKramer, Karyn
Dhairyam, Sunita
Donovan, Tim
Dreyer, Rob
Drysdale, Angela
Duffek, Kim
Dunn, Kathleen
DuPuis-Rosen, Linda
Easton, Raymond
Eichler, Theresa
Ellison, Lyn
Erickson, Mary
Erikson, Lynn
Feltner, Linda
Ferguson, Vicki
Fiorentino, James
Fischbein, Karen
Fisher, Cynthie
Foggett, Lindsey
Franson, Sunny
Frazier, Phyllis
Frolking, Chris
Funke, Annika
Gallup, David
Geib, Rick
Gengler-Copple, Deb
Golightly, Paula
Goulding, Fiona
Griffin, Patricia
Grogan, Laura
Gylling, Gemma
Hallett, Mark
Hamanaka, Setsuo
Hamilton, Lorna
Hardcastle, Thomas
Hargreaves, Julia
Harrison-Parsons, Linda
Harvill, Kitty
Haycock, Kathy
Hayward-Harris, Martin
Heaton, Janet
Heselden, Russ
Hill, LaVerne
Hobson, Edward
Holt, Mary Louise
Hough, James
Hughbanks, Debbie
Hughes, Mike
Ingham, Barry
Ingles, Margaret
Isaac, Terry
Ivanyi, Rachel
Jahme, Graham
Janosik, Jon
Jessen, Mary Jane
Johnson, David Bruce
Johnson, Kevin
Kamin, Jason
Kappel, Hans
Katrandzhiev, Valentin
Kissinger, Megan
Kitler, David
Knapp, Christine
Kobayashi, Eriko
Koensgen, Joseph
Kopeschny, Barbara
Kurlan, Whitney
LaFogg-Docherty, Deborah
Lantz, Yvette
Latas, Pat
Lear, Sandi
Lidstrom, Esther
Lindamood, Patsy
Lopatin, Vladimir
Lopatina, Olena
Lozeron, Emily
Lutz, Jan
Mansell, Patricia
Marshall, Pete
Mathews, Terry
Maynard, Chris
McClelland, Chris
McCune, Michelle
McManiman, Candy
McQueen, Larry
Middleton, Kim
Milligan, Billy-Jack
Millington, Marti
Morgan, Jason
Munkittrick, Dianne
Murray, Robin
Nash, Ken
Nicholls, Calvin
Nicholls, Alison
Nishino, Kentaro
Nordwall, Solveig
Orlando, Ron
Palmer, Wendy
Pape, Michael
Parkinson, Linda
Parsons, Victoria
Perry, Marcia
Pickering, Pollyanna
Place, Sandra
Plaizier, Ron
Polito, Kay
Popp, Betsy
Prescott, David
Quinn, Stephen
Qureshi, Ahsan
Rankin, David
Reece, Parks
Renn, Vicki
Rentsch, Werner
Reuter-Twining, Diana
Rogers, Valerie
Rossin, Linda
Saenz, Eleazar
Sainsbury, Jonathan
Scheidt, Bill
Scotchford, Judy
Seerey-Lester, John
Serediuk, John
Sharkey Thomas, J.
Sheard, Kathleen
Shimeld, Susan
Snoots, Karin
Solberg, Morten
Sorensen, Linda
Sorley-Keichinger, Cindy
Sowden, Peggy
Stanley, Eva
Starkevich, Colin
Stewart, James
Stolberger, Sue
Strelive, Uta
Studwell, Judy
Sutton, Linda
Temple, Sandra
Theriault, Colette
Thompson, Martha
Thumbar, Chirag
Van Rijn, Eva
Vanderpas, Margarethe
Venditti, Jerry
Versteeg, Diane
Vik, Lyn
Walden, Christopher
Walker, Linda
Walsh, Frank
Watanabe, Yasuo
Weber, Katherine
Weisberg, Kathryn
Wellman, Gregory
Wheeler, Rick
White, Taylor
Whitehouse, Kitty
Wiegmink, Paula
Woodall, Terry
Woodbury, Ellen
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