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Artists For Conservation Flag Expeditions Flag

This is the 7th Flag Expedition, with sculptor Terry Woodall travelling to Lake Baikal in Russia to observe and record the rare Baikal Seal in its habitat.He hopes to support conservation efforts through fundraising and education both inside and outside Russia.
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Terry WoodallTerry Woodall   AFC Terry Woodall
Interpretive and Abstract Wood Sculpture
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Baikal Seals in Bronze
Sketching and studying the freshwater Baikal Seals of Lake Baikal, Russia, for the seventh AFC Flag Expedition.

Baikal Seals in Bronze
Using photographs and sketches from the 7th Flag Expedition, Terry Woodall creates the sculptures to be cast in bronze.

Finishing Details of the Seals
A layer of silicone rubber and plaster "mother mold" will encase the finished sculptures of clay.

Pouring Wax
Liquid wax at 190 degrees is poured into the plaster mold of the Baikal Seal. The mold is removed, leaving a wax version of the seal sculpture.

Slurry Coating
The wax seals are cut into managable parts, which will ultimately be welded back together, and then coated in a silica slurry which hardens into the final mold for the liquid bronze.

Molten Bronze
The crucible filled with bronze measures 2000 degrees and is ready to pour.

Pouring the Bronze
Terry is shown assisting with the pouring of the bronze into an array of ceramic molds, turning the Baikal Seals into bronze.

Cooling Bronze
Liquid bronze cools to a sunrise color in the ceramic molds.

The seal sculpture in bronze turns rainbow colors under the torch until Terry adds the chemicals to create a dark hue resembling the Baikal Seal.

"The Sentinel"
The first Baikal Seal sculpture in bronze is complete, originating with the sightings and studies on Lake Baikal, Russia, as the 7th AFC Flag Expedition.

Direct Correspondence to:Terry Woodall
Terry Woodall
c/o Terry J. Woodall
95865 Kentuck Lane
North Bend, Oregon
USA 97459
Tel: 541-756-0752
  Artists for Conservation Group
Email: terryjwoodall@gmail.com
Home Page: Terry Woodall's Latest Website
Terry Woodall Terry Woodall

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright  Terry Woodall
Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation www.natureartists.com.