Grand Canyon Art Work |
Art Work of the Grand Canyon in a variety of mediums. |
Pyrography/Wood Burning |
Here is a variety of beautiful woods with wood burnt images. A variety of subject matter and presentation. |
Start Collecting Original Art |
In this category you will find original unframed art work at a considerable discount which will encourage and allow you to start collecting original art |
Studio 8369 - Grand Lake, CO |
These works are available through Studio 8369, Grand Lake, Colorado. Laura Kratz; owner/artist/operator |
Landscapes |
Landscapes in a variety of mediums including oil paintings, acrylics, and pastels. |
Marine Life |
As a result of my scuba diving trip to Grand Cayman Island on the AFC Expedition, here is a variety of artwork dedicated to the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation. |
Wood Sculpture |
A variety of sculptures out of a variety of wood. |
Mammals - Big Game |
Mammals and big game done in a variety of mediums including oil paintings, pastels, acrylics, and graphite. |
Birds |
All kinds of birds, especially birds of prey done in a variety of mediums including oils, pastels, acrylics, and graphite. |
A variety of colored works and black and white works. |
Portraits |
Members of my family that I would like to post....shows my versatility. |
Archive Works |
These works are no longer available but they are still fun to look through. |