wildlife art Worldwide Nature Artists Group - Promoting Nature Art & Conservation Worldwide
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Saturday, January 18, 2025
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By Justin Dancing Hawk
(Recently Updated Nature Art & Wildlife Art by WNAG Nature Artists & Wildlife Artists)
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Dancing Hawk, Justin
Navarro, Chris
Hoselton, Beth
Dumas, Michael
Chunat, Wayne
Riley, Laurie
Anderson, Walt
Rusin, Len
Riggs, Pat
Qureshi, Ahsan
Prescott, David
Parker, Natalie
Lomas, Craig
Ivester, Taylor
Morgan, Jason
Rossin, Linda
Venditti, Jerry
Herzog, Linda
Karstad, Aleta
Scheidt, Bill
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Following is a summary of the key benefits and costs associated with artist Signature Membership in our very special and exclusive group.

Membership Benefits

Following are key benefits of Signature Membership in the Artists for Conservation Foundation (formerly the Worldwide Nature Artists Group):

  • Contribute to furthering the AFC's mission and leadership role in supporting conservation through art.
  • Prestige of membership in the world's leading nature art association.
  • Elegibility to participate in all AFC Initiatives and Programs including the groundbreaking AFC Flag Expeditions Program 
  • Elegibility to participate in AFC juried art exhibitions;
  • Full representation on the AFC Web site (see below for details);
  • Major incremental Web presence, with readership substantially larger than major industry magazines;
  • Opportunity to post news and events;
  • Receive information on 3rd party Call-to-Artists opportunities.
  • Signature Membership title status, allowing you to use AFC suffix after your name.
Membership Dues

Membership dues are nominal and have been decided upon in order to cover basic costs of operation and marketing. To-date, the AFC has been supported almost exclusively by volunteer labour.

One-time Initiation Fee: US $50.00

Annual Membership Dues:  US $225.00 


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Originals for Sale
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(Samples of Nature Art & Wildlife Art by WNAG Nature Artists & Wildlife Artists)
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wildlife art paintings
wildlife art paintings
Nature Art | Wildlife Art
Original Painting

By Carel Brest van Kempen
20 x 12
acrylic on illustration board
wildlife art paintings
wildlife art paintings
wildlife art paintings
wildlife art paintings
wildlife art paintings
wildlife art paintings
Nature Art | Wildlife Art
Original Sculpture

By Carrie Goller
36 x 36 x 1.75 (inches)
$3200wildlife art paintings
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