Linda Sutton - Transparent Watercolors, Wildlife, Landscape & Plein air

Linda Sutton
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Linda SuttonLinda Darsow Sutton   AFC, SAA, NWS, WW, MCWA Linda Sutton
Transparent Watercolors, Wildlife, Landscape & Plein air
Visit Linda Sutton's Latest Website
Linda Sutton Linda Sutton
Linda Sutton

Linda Sutton


Brought up to see color optically cultivated a personal fascination for transparent color. Attracted by the elegant atmospheric effects enhanced by light bouncing through color from the white surface, transparent watercolors unique impact of its own became my primary medium for over 30 years. Oil has it’s own dynamic in representing qualities of light. It’s opaque and tactile character can also be transparent, here the two behaviors can interact gracefully. Regardless of which medium emerges as the most appropriate for a painting, light on the Natural Environment, Atmosphere, Water, Wildlife and a sense of presents encourage a never-ending attempt to observe nature more intimately. Figures not excluded, humans are part of it and must participate. Painting nature’s beauty is an expression of awe and gratitude, often rewarded with understanding. That the word art is right in the middle of eARTh is a stratagem for thought, to instigate Peace.
Always seeking a unique approach and or viewpoint, while respecting accuracy enough to be representational of intent. Light qualities, colors, shapes, and pigment character, are used to reveal elegant forms, textures, emotions and often behavior. It is NO “happy accident” to arrange the relationships of color or instigate randomisity. Captivating viewers using traditional Art Elements and employing the relationships between abstraction and realism, engages their imagination. The viewers own interpretation is promoted, provoking an illusive and more personal quality of realism. Not how much information is on a surface but how much reaction evoked from that surface is important to me. More than just the admiration of a painting but an experience, or a remembered moment, distracting viewers from the consuming influence of civilization, even if only for a moment. Sharing an interest in preserving our Planet, however inconvenient. Be “there”, go somewhere, think about something, a memory, or ideally, revaluate priorities.
Human interference with Natures original plan is sadly questionable at best. It will be important to have preserved it, fully stocked. Every single little link will be significant when we collectively realize the Earth requires care and respect in order to provide us this beautiful place to live. The more painting teaches me, the more evident this becomes.”

Linda darsow Sutton


Latest Artwork
Grand Canyon Afternoon - Grand Canyon by Linda Sutton (2) Click to view a larger image. Grand Canyon Afternoon  (2016)
Grand Canyon
13 x 21
transparent watercolor

Original Available 
Pledge Amt: 20%
to Natural Resources Defence Council  

Escaping Yellow - Great Egret by Linda Sutton (2) Click to view a larger image. Escaping Yellow  (2015)
Great Egret
14 x 21
transparent watercolor

Original Available 
Pledge Amt: 20%
to Natural Resources Defence Council  

Linda Sutton
Direct Correspondence to:Linda Sutton
Linda Sutton
230 Bear Oaks
Martinez, California
USA 94553
Tel: 925-229-4054
  Artists for Conservation Group
Home Page: Linda Sutton's Latest Website
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Linda Sutton
Linda Sutton
Linda Sutton
Linda Sutton
Linda Sutton
All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright 2025 Linda Sutton - Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation (Formerly the Worldwide Nature Artists Group) This site represents the original artwork
(nature art and wildlife art) of nature artist and wildlife artist
of Linda Sutton and is protected by international copyright laws.
Use of nature art, wildlife art or any other images or text from this site, requires permission in writing from Linda Sutton ().

This site is part of the Artists for Conservation (AFC) Web site. (Wildlife Art - Nature Art - Conservation) Artists for Conservation is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to nature art, wildlife art and conservation. On this site you will find world-class nature art and wildlife art by today's leading nature artists & wildlife artists. The AFC site is the Web's premier location for nature art, wildlife artists All content appearing in pages featuring Linda Sutton is the sole responsibility of Linda Sutton. The opinions expressed on these artists' pages are those of Linda Sutton and do not necessarily reflect those of the Artists for Conservation Foundationi (AFC).