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Linda ParkinsonLinda J. Parkinson   BSc, AFC Linda Parkinson
Watercolors, birds and wildlife

The Place
This is my drawing table, where almost everything originates...

The Rest of the Mess
I also share this space with my office, so it seldom appears very organized...even though I know where everything is! I often have up to 6 artworks going at the same time, and it keeps everything flowing, from beginning to end.

The Inspiration in my front yard...
Northern California is an incredible place. We are surrounded by Redwood forests, mountains & rivers, and the ocean is just minutes away. We have an abundance of wildlife, which is wonderful a can cause it's problems as well! Deer, raccoons, gray fox, black bear, squirrels, chipmunks, bobcat, and mountain lions have all been seen from my kitchen window. The number and variety of birds is incredible and is also a constant source of inspiration!

The Garden
I love to play/work in the garden, and have several acres of orchard, berries, vegetables and flowers. It is a constant source of energy and calmness, as well as a fountain of inspiration in this crazy world.

Direct Correspondence to:Linda Parkinson
Linda Parkinson
c/o Linda Parkinson
55 Glendale Dr.
Arcata, California
USA 95519
Tel: (707) 362-7484
  Artists for Conservation Group
Email: lindaparkinson55@gmail.com
Linda Parkinson Linda Parkinson

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright  Linda Parkinson
Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation www.natureartists.com.