Spectrum 13 Fantastic Art
"Sheldon Hatching the Egg" has been selected to be in the next Spetrum Fantastic Art book. Spectrum 13 Fantastic Art will be out fall of 2006
The Artist's Magazine 22nd Annual Art Competition 2005
The Artist's Magazine 2005 22nd Annual Art Competition has selected Linda's "When Pigs Fly" as one of the 50 finalalist.
First Place Award at Wild Bogs and Leaping Frogs
Linda Herzog's painting "Rice Walkers Farewell To Bob" won first place at Wild Bogs And Leaping Frogs art show in Encinitas, California. It was their second Annual event. Julia Grey and Gamanni Ratnavira were the feature artists. This Event was at the Quail Batinical Gardens.
Direct Correspondence to:
Linda Herzog c/o
1180 Academy Lane Vista, Callifornia
USA 92083 Tel: 760-945-9513