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Linda HerzogLinda R. Herzog   AFC, WAA Linda Herzog
Wildlife Fantasy Paintings
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When Pigs Fly
Being self-taught the process in which I paint has changed over the years to get to where I am at now. I paint in thin layers and glosses to get the desired result. I use Liquin to help the paint dry at a faster pace. People often think my paintings are prints because of the flatness of the finished work. I usually have 4-5 sometimes 6 painting going on at the same time.

When I get a vision of a painting I work on it in my head and pretty much know the finished look before I even start drawing it to size. Often I just do in the background and then draw up the animals and objects as I go. I draw up the basics on paper and sometimes transfer that on clear acetate plastic and see how they look against the background and then adjust exactly where I want it on the canvas.

On the example of "When Pigs Fly", I painted the under wash on and then blocked in where the pigs will be. I Then painted in the blue sky and clouds. I like to paint in thin layers. I don't like to redraw the objects in, but sometimes it is unavoidable. You can see the outline of the pigs through the sky and cloud paint. At this point I have already done 3 thin layers on the clouds and five layers on the red river hog in places. The pink pig will probably get one more glaze and the red river hogs wings and hair are not finished. The dark forest hog is just blocked in with its first coat and the wart hog is in the original outline. Which you can see through the paint.

Usually on my smaller paintings I just go for it and don't do any pre-drawing or blocking in. Those are pretty concrete in my head how I want them to turn out.

When Pigs Fly - detail

When Pigs Fly - detail 2

The Nautilus

Direct Correspondence to:Linda Herzog
Linda Herzog
1180 Academy Lane
Vista, Callifornia
USA 92083
Tel: 760-945-9513
  Artists for Conservation Group
Email: LindaRHerzog@yahoo.com
Home Page: Linda Herzog's Latest Website
Linda Herzog Linda Herzog

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright  Linda Herzog
Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation www.natureartists.com.