Peggy's love of painting and wild places began as a child. Always encouraged by her mother- a landscape painter to look, to explore and interpret what she saw, Peggy developed an early appreciation for the process of creating art. Her father, an avid outdoorsman, took her family into the wilds of British Columbia, and from these summer adventures seeds were sown for a love of wilderness. Peggy studied and won awards in visual arts in high school, worked as a naturalist, was on the top of the Dean's list in fine art's school, earned a degree in Veterinary medicine and practiced as a vet for many years. She established a coastal homestead with her husband and raised their son. Throughout this time she painted. She joined other coastal artists in group shows and participated as an artist in the campaigns to preserve the Carmanah Valley and the lower Tsitika Valley/Robson Bight. Recently she participated in the Raincoast Conservation Foundation's "Art for an Oil Free Coast" campaign. Over the past twenty years Peggy has sold her paintings to both private and corporate collectors.
Peggy is very pleased to be asked to join the AFC. This outstanding organization provides an exciting platform for artists to express their conservation concerns.
Since 1971 Peggy has had close ties to Mitlenatch Island. This magical island lies in the northern end of the Strait of Georgia and is a seabird nesting colony of international importance. From 2009 to 2015 Peggy coordinated the Mitlenatch Island Stewardship Team (MIST). During the nesting season from April to September MIST volunteers provide a continuous protective presence on the island, inform visitors, conduct avian and other monitoring programs, and perform ecological restoration initiatives. Peggy will donate a percentage of the sales of her artwork listed with the AFC to the MIST program as well as the Jane Goodall Institute.

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright 2025 Peggy Sowden - Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation (Formerly
the Worldwide Nature Artists Group) www.natureartists.com.
This site represents the original artwork (nature art and wildlife art) of nature
artist and wildlife artist of Peggy Sowden and is protected by international copyright laws. Use
of nature art, wildlife art or any other images or text from this site, requires
permission in writing from Peggy Sowden ().
This site is part of the Artists for Conservation (AFC) Web site. (Wildlife
Art - Nature Art - Conservation) Artists for Conservation is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to
nature art, wildlife art and conservation. On this site you will find world-class
nature art and wildlife art by today's leading nature artists & wildlife artists.
The AFC site is the Web's premier location for nature art, wildlife
All content appearing in pages featuring Peggy Sowden is the sole responsibility of Peggy Sowden. The opinions expressed on these artists' pages are those of Peggy Sowden and do not necessarily reflect those of the Artists for Conservation
Foundationi (AFC).