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Kathryn WeisbergKathryn Weisberg   AFC Kathryn Weisberg
Nature and Wildlife
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Kathryn Weisberg is a signature member of Artist for Conservation. The Artists for Conservation Foundation (AFC) - formerly the Worldwide Nature Artists Group (WNAG) - is a non-profit, international organization dedicated to the celebration and preservation of the natural world. The Foundation represents the world's leading collective of nature artists and an unparalleled pool of artistic talent focussed on nature. The organization's mission is to support wildlife and habitat conservation, biodiversity, sustainability and environmental education through art that celebrates our natural heritage.

Kathryn Weisberg has been painting Wildlife and Endangered Species for over 30 years. She is known for the dignity and soulful perspective of her subjects. After years painting highly realistic images in acrylic, Kathryn returned to her favorite medium of oil which she says allows her the freedom to be more expressive and impressionistic. This more painterly approach also gives her collectors the added dimension of a work of enduring art while allowing Kathryn to focus on a subject very dear to her heart, the plight of non-human species and remote human indigenous cultures.

Kathryn lives and works in her Studio on beautiful Lake Pend Oreille in the Northern Idaho panhandle surrounded by the majestic Cabinet and Selkirk Mountains. Time spent in the Amazon, Peruvian Andes, the Artic, northern Scandanavia, Mexico, Canada, Central America, the wilderness areas of North America, and as a Master Scuba Diver in the Caribbean have added to the breadth, range and scope of her work.

Formally educated in fine art, she understands the disciplines of drawing, values, edges and color when communicating her subject to canvas. She spent 2 years studying under the noted wildlife artist Richard Sloan and spends a great deal of time in the field painting en plein air, honing her ability to see color, light and the atmosphere that shapes the emotional experience for the viewer. This constant dialog with the brush keeps her work fresh and spirited.

Her work has been shown widely in both solo and group exhibitions in Idaho, California, Vancouver, Ontario, Colorado, South Carolina Vermont and Bejing. She was presented in the World Tour of the Endangered Species Media Project and has contributed to the support of major conservational organizations through art and exhibits. For a complete listing please visit the Website at http://kathrynweisberg.com.

Her paintings can be found in numerous private, corporate and museum collections around the world as well as in the permanent collection of the St. Hubert Giralda Natural Museum in Vermont.

Support for Conservation:
The African Conservation Foundation is working towards the protection and conservation of Africa's endangered wildlife and their habitats. Founded in 1999, ACF fills a unique niche by creating an Africa-wide network for information exchange and capacity building of conservation efforts in the region. The African Conservation Foundation is a registered NGO in Tanzania, Kenya and Cameroon. ACF is also a UK Registered Charity (No. 1120705). They do not maintain offices outside of Africa. Their focus on results on the ground means that 100% of donations received are actually used for conservation, community development and education projects. They do not deduct fees for organization overhead.

ACF's goal is to support and link African conservation initiatives, groups and NGOs, with the aim of strengthening their capacity, building partnerships and promoting effective communication and co-ordination of conservation efforts. Their overall mission is to change the approach of the management and utilization of natural resources to one in which the needs of human development in the region are reconciled with biodiversity conservation.

ArtSavingWildlife was founded in 2004 by a Canadian artist and ACF to raise awareness and funds for the protection of Africa's most endangered species. The project also supports the education of school children and community development in Africa. The online gallery displays the work of artists worldwide while raising awareness and supporting field conservation projects.

The Cheetah Conservation Fund's vision is to see a world in which cheetahs live and flourish in coexistence with people within a sustainable system that is protective of the environment, socially responsible and economically viable. Founded in 1990 by Dr. Laurie Marker, its mission is "to be the world's resource charged with protecting the cheetah and ultimately ensuring its future on our planet.

CCF's stance is that understanding the cheetah's biology and ecology is essential to stabilize the population and manage its sustainability for the future. Its strategy to save the wild cheetah is a three-pronged process of research, conservation and education, beginning with long-term studies to understand and monitor the factors affecting the cheetah's survival. Results of these studies are used to develop conservation policies and programs to sustain its populations. CCF actively works with local, national and international communities to raise awareness, communicate, educate and train.

CCF is a proactive organization that finds practical solutions to help people to help the cheetah and this is reflected in the CCF Vision: "We see a world in which cheetahs live and flourish in co-existence with people and the environment".

CCF has a number of dedicated wildlife artists working to fund their efforts through art.
Special Achievements:
Organization Membership:

Direct Correspondence to:Kathryn Weisberg
Kathryn Weisberg

  Artists for Conservation Group
Email: kw@kathrynweisberg.com
Home Page: Kathryn Weisberg's Latest Website
Kathryn Weisberg Kathryn Weisberg

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright 2025 Kathryn Weisberg - Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation (Formerly the Worldwide Nature Artists Group) www.natureartists.com. This site represents the original artwork
(nature art and wildlife art) of nature artist and wildlife artist
of Kathryn Weisberg and is protected by international copyright laws.
Use of nature art, wildlife art or any other images or text from this site, requires permission in writing from Kathryn Weisberg ().

This site is part of the Artists for Conservation (AFC) Web site. (Wildlife Art - Nature Art - Conservation) Artists for Conservation is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to nature art, wildlife art and conservation. On this site you will find world-class nature art and wildlife art by today's leading nature artists & wildlife artists. The AFC site is the Web's premier location for nature art, wildlife artists All content appearing in pages featuring Kathryn Weisberg is the sole responsibility of Kathryn Weisberg. The opinions expressed on these artists' pages are those of Kathryn Weisberg and do not necessarily reflect those of the Artists for Conservation Foundationi (AFC).