Ji Qiu
 Wildlife of Asian-Pacific and Other Areas, Paleo-art |
Ji Qiu loves both modern wildlife and prehistoric life. He began to draw them when he was a child and had won awards in primary school. These have always been an important part of his life.
Ji Qiu was born in Beijing, China although he currently lives in Sydney, Australia. China is the homeland of many endengered wildlife species while Australia is the country of unique creatures. Conservation of the wildlife in these countries is very important. In China, Ji Qiu has travelled from the temperate forest in Changbaishan in Northeast China to the moutains and the rainforests in Southwest China. In Austrlia, Ji Qiu had also travelled from tropical North Queensland to the south end of the continent.
Ji Qiu uses a variety of different media, from pencil and acrylic to digital media. The wildlife of Asia-Pacific, especially the birds and mammlas of the rainforest and mountain areas is his favorite subject. Prehistoric mammals is his other favorite subject, followed by dinosaurs.
Ji Qiu has a bachelor degree in China as an Architect and then got a Master in Architecture and a Graduate Certificate in Ornithology in Australia. Ji Qiu is one of the managers of the Dinosaur Website of China (http://www.sinodino.com/) and he has written a number of articles and prepared illustrations for the website as well as related magazines ( Chinese Civilization and Chinese National Geography) .
Support for Conservation:
Ji is a member of the Chinese NGO the Friends Of Nature, and is a volunteer of the WWF in China. Ji also has a relationship with Save China's Tiger and other conservation NGOs. Ji recently took part in the banding and other conservation activities of the migrating birds in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway, including N.W. Australia Wader and Tern Expedition 2007.
Special Achievements:
Organization Membership:
Direct Correspondence to:
Ji Qiu
91 Rosedale Rd Pymble, NSW
Australia 2073
Tel: 0433483186
Email: qiubird@gmail.com

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright 2025 Ji Qiu - Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation (Formerly
the Worldwide Nature Artists Group) www.natureartists.com.
This site represents the original artwork (nature art and wildlife art) of nature
artist and wildlife artist of Ji Qiu and is protected by international copyright laws. Use
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permission in writing from Ji Qiu ().
This site is part of the Artists for Conservation (AFC) Web site. (Wildlife
Art - Nature Art - Conservation) Artists for Conservation is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to
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nature art and wildlife art by today's leading nature artists & wildlife artists.
The AFC site is the Web's premier location for nature art, wildlife
All content appearing in pages featuring Ji Qiu is the sole responsibility of Ji Qiu. The opinions expressed on these artists' pages are those of Ji Qiu and do not necessarily reflect those of the Artists for Conservation
Foundationi (AFC).