Setsuo Hamanaka was born in 1956 in Yokohama, Japan. His first career was a news photographer of Press Kanagawa in Yokohama. He became freelance photo jornalist in 1987 and started drawing illustrations for magazines and publishings. In 1988, he reproduced 16 historical busses in real illustrations as a commission from City of Yokohama Transportation Bureau, and it was the first major work of his illustrations. His works in early days of freelance were mainly for automobile magazines and books. But soon he started dwawing nature illustrations for other magazines and nature books. As a jornalist, he works for some fishing magazines and sometimes he draw cartoons for them. Fishing is partly on business and partly for a lifetime hobby. He visited USA, both East Coast and West Coast, Saipan, Australia, Indonesia, Maldives, Italy, Spain and all over Japan. He writes articles about his fishing trip. And sometimes he coordinate fishing trip for a TV program. In 2001, he started working oil paintings of marine wildlife with his accumulated experience. His main concern is saltwater game fishes in tropical water mainly in the South Pacific but he paints other species in all over the world as well. He also likes to paint seascapes as an environment of a game fish.
Support for Conservation:
November 2004
Selected member of the First Okinotori-shima Island Inspecting Party organized by the Nippon Foundation. Okinotori-shima is in the face of submergence by global warming.
November 2006 - January 2007
Stayed in Galapagos Islands, Ecuador as a short term ODA expert sent by Japan International Cooperation Agency, joined Galapagos Marine Reserve Conservation Project, worked for reducing illegal fishing and over catch in the local fishery.
Member of the Amamo Revival Collaboration in Kanagzawa-Hakkei, Tokyo Bay Area, working for revival of Amamo (eelgrass) meadows in the Tokyo Bay. http://www.amamo.org/eng01.html
- Tokyo Bay Fishing and Boating Guide (2010)
Author: Setsuo Hamanaka Published by: KAZI Publishing
- Newspaper Novel "Hara Sankei Story" (2002)
Illustrations for daily novels on Press Kanagawa for ten months -
Author: Emiko Arai
- 101 Hints of Reservoir Flyfishing (2000)
101 illustrations for 101 stories -
Author: Masayuki Zamma
- Stream Lure Fishing Perfect Manual (2000)
Cover illustration and inside illustrations -
Published by: Ei-shuppan
- The Illustrated Fieldwork Book for Families (1995)
Joined as one of the illustrators -
Published by: Sekaibunka-sha
- The Illustrated Ecology Book of Plants (1993)
Joined as one of the illustrators -
Published by: Gakken
- 60Years of City Bus (1988)
Real illustrations of historical busses -
Published by: City of Yokohama
Organization Membership:
All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright 2024 Setsuo Hamanaka - Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation (Formerly
the Worldwide Nature Artists Group) www.natureartists.com.
This site represents the original artwork (nature art and wildlife art) of nature
artist and wildlife artist of Setsuo Hamanaka and is protected by international copyright laws. Use
of nature art, wildlife art or any other images or text from this site, requires
permission in writing from Setsuo Hamanaka ().
This site is part of the Artists for Conservation (AFC) Web site. (Wildlife
Art - Nature Art - Conservation) Artists for Conservation is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to
nature art, wildlife art and conservation. On this site you will find world-class
nature art and wildlife art by today's leading nature artists & wildlife artists.
The AFC site is the Web's premier location for nature art, wildlife
All content appearing in pages featuring Setsuo Hamanaka is the sole responsibility of Setsuo Hamanaka. The opinions expressed on these artists' pages are those of Setsuo Hamanaka and do not necessarily reflect those of the Artists for Conservation
Foundationi (AFC).