Alejandro Bertolo - Animals & plants through Japanese style painting

Alejandro Bertolo
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Animals & plants through Japanese style painting
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Alejandro Bertolo Alejandro Bertolo
Alejandro Bertolo

Alejandro Bertolo

The word "Nihon-ga" (literally Japanese painting) designates in general the schools of painting established in Japan as far back as the 8th Century. All of them use as media ink(sumi), mineral pigments (iwa-enogu), ground-shell white (gofun), gold and silver leaf; as well as hand-made paper or silk as support materials.
There are two major branches in "Nihon-ga": The essencially monochrome ink painting, spontaneous and calligraphic (suiboku and Zen painting) and the derived from "Yamato-e", that uses colour. In both forms, the most important job of the artist consists in rendering the essence of the chosen subject, be it an animal, a tree or a flower. The rules of composition and perspective are completely different from Western-style art. The result is a more spiritual and suggestive approach to art, where the empty space is just as important as the painted subject.
Alejandro has pledged his support to "Fundacion Vida Silvestre Argentina", an NGO devoted to conservation of species and natural habitats of Argentina.


Latest Artwork
Seychelles Sops Owl -  by Alejandro Bertolo (2) Click to view a larger image. Seychelles Sops Owl  (2017)

8 x 8
Sumi ink, mineral pigments and white gold leaf on Japanese hand-made paper
Black-necked Cranes -  by Alejandro Bertolo (2) Click to view a larger image. Black-necked Cranes  (2016)

60 x 40

Original Available
Alejandro Bertolo
Direct Correspondence to:Alejandro Bertolo
Alejandro Bertolo
c/o Alejandro Bertolo
1836 Tupper St
Montreal, QC
Canada H3H 1N4
Tel: 1 514 797 8455
  Artists for Conservation Group
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Alejandro Bertolo
Alejandro Bertolo
Alejandro Bertolo
Alejandro Bertolo
Alejandro Bertolo
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(nature art and wildlife art) of nature artist and wildlife artist
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