Potomac River Smallmouth 1 Feb. 2012 You don't really want to see my studio -- it's a mess -- so here are some fishing photos instead...

Halloween 2006 Muskie Not long but definitely well-fed.

Big Albie Nice fly-caught albie from Cape Lookout with Capt. Brian Horsley...

Bir Brook Trout A horse of a brook trout caught by my wife Rox at Igloo Lake Lodge, Labrador in 2017...

Doubles Matching brookies from Igloo Lake Lodge.

Easternshore VA. speck

Labrador Brookie Nice brook trout from Igloo Lake Lodge, Labrador

Rox with Albie My wife Roxanne with a nice false albacore caught on a fly at Cape Lookout NC.

Rox with another Muskie Again, while bass fishing...

Rox with 30+ lb. King Salmon

Nice Musky My buddy Jesse with a musky caught while we were bass fishing. Rest in peace, Brother...

Large Largemouth My buddy Harry with a big Virginia bass.

Soque River Brown Trout Another fishing buddy Scott with a monster brown...

Releasing a Bighorn Rainbow Great UW photo taken by Phil Kee, sent to me by his brother Ron.

NY Harbor Stripers Buddies Dr. Gary & Dr. Mark Sherman with a 20+ pounder in the boat and another nice one on the line...

What species is this? An Alaskan sheefish caught a few years ago.

A Rainbow from a Georgia stream

Photo-shy Alaskan Bow

Alaskan Coho buck