Travel with Canadian artist David Kitler to the remote jungles of Panama's Darien Province to learn about the magnificent but endangered Harpy Eagle - the world's most powerful bird. Find out more...
David N. KitlerAFC, SAA Nature and Wildlife Original Paintings & Reproductions
David is Juror in The Artist's Magazine Annual Art Competition
David has been invited to serve as the Juror in the Animal/Wildlife category in The Artist's Magazine 26th Annual Art Competition.
He is very familiar with the Competition, after having won First Place in this category during the 2007 competition and having three of his pieces selected as finalists in 2008 ("Harpy Eagle - Talons", "Harpy Eagle - Portraits", and "Larger than Life - Turkey Vulture").
More than $25,000 in cash prizes will be awarded and winners will be featured in the December 2009 issue of the magazine. Entry deadline is May 1, 2009.
For information on eligibility, acceptable entry format, and all other details on entering the competition, visit
Direct Correspondence to:
David Kitler c/o Eyes for the Wild Art
11 2255 Drive W
Foothills, Alberta
Canada T1S 5E9 Tel: 403-938-2726