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Aleta KarstadAleta Karstad  
2-d Nature Art

La Grande Chuet, Dumoine River
Here's me painting in July 2016 on the Dumoine River, Quebec, Canada. My umbrella of royal blue and white transmits a balanced light - they don't make them those colours any more! This one was found by my daughter at a yard sale.

This is how I begin all of my plein air paintings - an underpainting of the right colour saves time by supporting every stroke with depth and contrast which is already there - like the air, and the depth of rock and water.

major elements and movements
Painting fast at this stage, trying not to get too involved with detail, but every stroke is deliberate.

painting the sky between the trees
... leaves some underpainting glowing through to support the trees, automatic 3-D effect. This step is magic! I've also indicated the main movements in the forewater.

bold with the foreground
This is satisfying, and there's lots to do all over the painting, filling in and developing here and there.

working with rocks and water
This is the time consuming stage of finishing up - solidifying the rock, and clarifying the water, working up areas where the underpainting is still too dominant.

finished and signed!
I often find a few things to touch up during the process of photographing the "finished" piece. Viewing its image on the camera allows me a step back, another way of seeing it as a whole object, rather than as a story of the development of its parts. Looking at a painting's reflection in a mirror often helps too, as its reverse image can seem as if viewed for the first time.

Direct Correspondence to:Aleta Karstad
Aleta Karstad
c/o Aleta Karstad
6 St-Lawrence St., Bishops Mills, RR#2
Oxford Station, Ontario
Canada K0G 1T0
Tel: (613) 258-3107
  Artists for Conservation Group
Email: karstad@pinicola.ca
Home Page: http://www.aletakarstad.com
Aleta Karstad Aleta Karstad

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright  Aleta Karstad
Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation www.natureartists.com.