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Snow leopard painting video visit my website to see the video -
How to Paint eyes masterclass Visit here to see videos -
Adding the paint The 1st layers of paint are merely blocking in, I am however conscience of painting in the fur direction even at this early stage.
The main challenge of this stage is to achieve a solid form, one which I can build detail and colour variations upon.
African Leopard painting - Video visit my site to see the video -
More underpainting Continuation of the blocking in stage
Further blocking in - 19 May 2006 At this stage the first blocking in stage is almost complete. I estimate the painting to be approx 40% completed. Absolutely everything will now be adjusted as I bring the paintng to completion.
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Jason Morgan c/o
4 Falcon Terrace, Cwm, Ebbw Vale GWENT, South Wales
UK NP23 7SA Tel: 01495 371416