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Martin RidleyMartin Ridley   AFC, HND Martin Ridley
Wildlife and Landscape Paintings - Martin's studio is in Scotland
The "on the easel" web page is used to share the creative process with my clients. Clients can follow the progress of their commission on-line and are sent an email whenever the page has an updated camera shot of their artwork. This idea is proving very popular and saving or printing the images of the developing painting from the web page adds a little extra to the provenance of the finished painting.

Consider the Following:

* Subject

* Design (communicate any specific ideas you have)

* Dimensions (if it needs to fit a particular space)

* Budget

* Time scale (whether there is a deadline for the completion of the painting)


Prices are slightly above those of my existing originals. As a guide look at some of my paintings that fall within your budget as a basis for your expectations. My commissions start at around £850 and prices vary according to a number of factors explained below.

There is a guide to commission prices on my homepage

Please note prices vary according to the following:

* the extent of fieldwork and research preparation required

* the complexity of the design

* the amount of detailed brushwork

* the required completion date

* any extra expenses likely to be incurred

* the demand for the subject matter

My aim is to fulfil the client's expectations, which includes working within the budget but please note that on completion of a commissioned painting I reserve the right to offer it at a price that I judge reflects the work that has been done. There is no obligation to purchase any commission that ends up over budget. Any advance payments would be refunded if the client decided not to proceed.
Two-way agreement

You may be excited about commissioning a painting, but it is equally important that I too feel positive about the idea.

I ask myself the following questions when considering a proposal:

* Am I inspired?

* Can I create a worthy result? (Is the subject matter familiar to me or will I be able to study it or find helpful source material?)

* Am I provided with a suitable time scale to accommodate my existing commitments?

Creative Decisions

My reputation is built upon my personal method of working and it is essential I feel comfortable with my creations, therefore I reserve the right to make the final decision on the design.

Commissions with general appeal

If a commission is accepted and the subject matter is not too specialist I would complete the painting and show it to the client for approval. If a direct viewing were not possible, a quality e-mail image would be posted. If upon viewing the painting it did not meet the client's requirements there would be no obligation to purchase. If you chose to buy the painting my normal terms of business would apply. View details on the martinridley.com ordering information page.

Larger commissions or those depicting specialist subject matter

However if your commission is very large or of a more specialist nature a deposit would be required before commencing work and full payment for the painting upon completion. The deposit and payment of the balance would be non-refundable as long as it kept within budget. Staged progress payments may be required for high value commissions.

I'm stating the obvious here but....
the painting I produce will never be exactly the image that you are visualizing, but I aim to please.


The work is fully insured until delivery to the purchaser. In the event of loss the insurance proceeds will be used to recommence the making of the work or if preferred offer a refund of all money that has been paid.


Unless a separate agreement is entered into all rights of reproduction and all copyrights in the work, the preliminary design and any incidental works made during the creation of the work are reserved by the artist.


Clients sometimes ask me whether I would contact them if I ever produce a painting of a particular bird, animal or location. Please feel free to register your special requests. I cannot make any promises but if at a later date I generate any suitable work I'll endeavour to get in touch.

Direct Correspondence to:Martin Ridley
Martin Ridley
Rossal, The Ross, Comrie,
Crieff, Perthshire, Scotland
Tel: 01764 670 695
  Artists for Conservation Group
Email: art@martinridley.com
Home Page: http://www.martinridley.com
Martin Ridley Martin Ridley

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright  Martin Ridley
Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation www.natureartists.com.