During the months of September through November 2010, David Gallup will join an award-winning documentary film team as part of their Channel Islands of California high definition documentary film project. Find out more...
David C. GallupOAS, AFC Art of the Deep
Cormorants at Sunset
Subject: Cormorants at Sunset Dimensions (inches): 10 x 10 Medium: Oil on Mounted Linen Description: Cormorants gather to roost at the end of the day in Malibu. Just after a wave surge has hit the cliffs out of view to our right, the atomized salt water is backlit by the setting sun, obscuring our view of the birds and landscape in an other-worldly golden shroud.
Original Available For Sale:
Price: $1,800.00 US
Limited Edition Available:
Conservation Committment: 5% (Artist commits to donating the indicated portion of proceeds to conservation)