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Pollyanna Pickering Officially Opens New Wildlife Hospital
8/11/2013 - More than 500 people turned up to see Pollyanna officially cut the ribbon and open the brand new purpose built Kibworth Wildlife Hospital and Education centre. The Leicester Wildlife hospital itself has been running for nearly 20 years taking in all kinds of sick injured and orphaned wildlife from Leicestershire and surrounding counties. With space at a premium, a larger facility was urgently needed.

The new centre will include a vet visiting facility and separate housing areas so that predator visitors (foxes, birds of prey) are kept well away from prey visitors (garden birds etc)! All the outside pens are species specific so they have the best type of recuperation area possible. Other facilities include veterinary examination rooms, orphan rearing and treatment areas, specialist oiled bird cleaning sinks and isolation cubicles. A litter of fox cubs, an orphaned hare, a sick barn owl and an injured hedgehog (with Pollyanna, above) are just a few of the patients already benefiting from the new treatment areas.

Pollyanna very much enjoyed a tour of the new hospital, meeting several of the patients being cared for. 'I was extremely impressed with the facilities built here – it is a wonderful resource for wildlife in the East Midlands. Having run a wildlife sanctuary myself, I appreciate just how hard the founder Angie Downham and all of the volunteers work to rescue and rehabilitate the animals and birds they care for. . Their dedication is inspirational.'
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Nature Art | Wildlife Art
Original Painting

"Red-necked Grebes"
By Michelle Mara
18 x 26
Oil on Masonite
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Nature Art | Wildlife Art
Original Sculpture

"The Orphan"
By Rob Dreyer
36 x 36 x 2 (inches)
Alkyd Oil on Canvaswildlife art paintings
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