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Artwork Supporting Amphibian Ark
In this section you will find a listing of artworks for sale for which a percentage or fixed amount of the sale price has been voluntarily committed by the artist in support of Amphibian Ark. has been indicated by AFC members as a potential recipient of donations by participating artists. AFC's Art for ConservationTM program, provides a forum to promote artwork that benefits recognized conservation organizations such as Amphibian Ark.

Art for ConservationTM Support Goal for Amphibian Ark:
$4,210.00 US.

The AArk is a joint effort of 3 principal partners: the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA), the IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group (CBSG), and the IUCN/SSC Amphibian Specialist Group (ASG). They were formed to address the ex-situ components of the Amphibian Conservation Action Plan (ACAP).

If you are interested in a particular artist's work, please contact that artist (or their representative) directly. The AFC itself DOES NOT DIRECTLY BROKER ARTWORK or get involved in any way in artist-buyer transactions. The Group receives no brokerage fee or marketing fee for any work sold through the site. As such, we are unable to respond to purchasing inquiries relating to either members or non-members.

Find out more info about Amphibian Ark.
There are currently 12 artworks. Displaying artworks 1 to 12.
Click on a thumbnail image for a larger view and more information.
The Frog Prince  (2009)
by Margaret Ingles
amphibians 91 x 130
oil on canvas

Pledge Amt: 15%
to Amphibian Ark  

Tibetan Boxes  (2007)
by Margaret Ingles
Green Tree frog 95 x 50
oil on canvas

Original Available
Price: Upon request

Pledge Amt: 10%
to Amphibian Ark  

Frogs on a Bike  (2008)
by Margaret Ingles
Three frogs and an old bike 80 x 120
oil on canvas

Original Available
Price: Upon request

Pledge Amt: 10%
to Amphibian Ark  

Frogs  (2013)
by Pat Latas
An assortment of tropical frogs 11 x 14
Colored pencil on drafting film, digital

Ltd. Edition Available
Price: $100.00 USD

Pledge Amt: 20%
to Amphibian Ark  

Poison Dart Frog  (2013)
by Pat Latas
Dendrobates reticulatus 9 x 11
Colored pencil on drafting film

Original Available
Price: $1,000.00 USD
Ltd. Edition Available
Price: $100.00 USD

Pledge Amt: 100%
to Amphibian Ark  

Presence  (2010)
by Hilde_Aga Brun
pastel 46 x 61

Original Available
Price: $1,900.00 USD
Ltd. Edition Available
Price: Upon request

Pledge Amt: 15%
to Amphibian Ark  

Threatened Midwife toad species Alytes mulentsis  (2011)
by Hilde_Aga Brun
Threatened Midwife toad species 30 x 40

Original Available
Price: $1,000.00 USD

Pledge Amt: 15%
to Amphibian Ark  

Poison Arrow Frog  (2000)
by Pat Latas
Dendrobates 0 x 0
colored pencil on drafting film

Ltd. Edition Available
Price: $100.00 USD

Pledge Amt: 50%
to Amphibian Ark  

In Source  (2009)
by Hilde_Aga Brun
Toad in its source 97 x 122

Original Available
Price: $5,000.00 USD
Ltd. Edition Available
Price: Upon request

Pledge Amt: 15%
to Amphibian Ark  

Poison Arrow Frog  (2000)
by Pat Latas
Dendrobates 11 x 8.5
colored pencil on drafting film

Ltd. Edition Available
Price: $100.00 USD

Pledge Amt: 50%
to Amphibian Ark  

Phyllobates Poison Arrow Frog  (2000)
by Pat Latas
Phyllobates Poison Arrow Frog 0 x 0
colored pencil on drafting film

Ltd. Edition Available
Price: $100.00 USD

Pledge Amt: 50%
to Amphibian Ark  

Spring  (2010)
by Hilde_Aga Brun
95 x 120

Original Available
Price: $4,500.00 USD
Ltd. Edition Available
Price: Upon request

Pledge Amt: 15%
to Amphibian Ark  


  Disclaimer: This does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of the Artists for Conservation Foundation (AFC) or any individual artist by Amphibian Ark. The AFC does not receive any commission from the sale of work, with the exception of artwork that has been explicitly pledged with AFC as the beneficiary. Disbursement of committed amounts to the beneficiary is the sole responsibility of the artist, and is based on sales resulting from AFC website. Estimated pledge assumes that ALL original artwork are sold. If is no posted price, the average of all priced work on the AFC site is used for estimation purposes. For limited editions, if there is no indication of the edition size, the estimate is based on an average edition size among all editions available on the AFC site.

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