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Saturday, February 8, 2025 date
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Dancing Hawk, Justin
Riley, Laurie
Anderson, Walt
Riggs, Pat
Parker, Natalie
Ivester, Taylor
Brooks, Sandy
Ross, Carleen
Barrett Justis, Suzanne
Bowring, Emma
Mgona, George
Mayo, Tony
Roshensky, Nancy
McNeil, Kelly
Patterson, Matt
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By Justin Dancing Hawk
(Recently Updated Nature Art & Wildlife Art by WNAG Nature Artists & Wildlife Artists)
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Dancing Hawk, Justin
Navarro, Chris
Hoselton, Beth
Dumas, Michael
Chunat, Wayne
Riley, Laurie
Anderson, Walt
Rusin, Len
Riggs, Pat
Qureshi, Ahsan
Prescott, David
Parker, Natalie
Lomas, Craig
Ivester, Taylor
Morgan, Jason
Rossin, Linda
Venditti, Jerry
Herzog, Linda
Karstad, Aleta
Scheidt, Bill
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(Nature Art & Wildlife Art Events featuring WNAG Nature Artists & Wildlife Artists)
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  Artist Name Specialty
USA Aja, Douglas African Wildlife, Elephants,
USA Allmond, Charles Direct Carving in Stone and Wood
Canada Benson, Craig Sculpture specializing in Marine life
USA Berg, Eric bronze sculpture
Canada Berge, William
Birds and Mammals (Eastern Canada)
USA Bielanski, Nansi
USA Billingsley, Cindy Wildlife painting and sculpture, mainly one of a kind work
Canada Branson, Lynn
Norway Brun, Hilde_Aga Pastels. Collage sculptures. Land Art. In tune with Nature
USA Cameron, Clarence Owl Sculptures
Canada Cooke, Brent Birds of Prey, Songbirds, Marine Life
USA Filardi, Del Birds of Steel
USA Fisher, Cynthie acrylic, oils, scratchboard and bronze
USA Ganz, Tykie
wildlife, Birds and animals with acrylics, and woodcarvings
USA Geib, Rick Wildlife Bronze Sculpture/Jewelry
Kenya Glen, Robert African Subjects Sculpted in Bronze
USA Goller, Carrie Nature art in oil, encaustic, egg tempera and mixed media
South Africa Gray, Peter African Wildlife Paintings
USA Hagood, Hap Contemporary Wildlife Sculpture in Wood, Stone, and Bronze
USA Hallett, Mark paleontological art
United Kingdom Hayward-Harris, Martin Bronzes, Watercolours, and Etchings
USA Heaton, Janet Wildlife and domestic animals in pastels and oils
Canada Hoselton, Beth nature art
Australia Ingham, Barry
Marine Wildlife
Canada Johnson, David Bruce Sculpture in Wood and Stone
USA Jones, Richard Sculpture
. Karryl, Sculptures
USA Knapp, Christine Sculptor
Canada Laurent, Yves Wood Wildfowl and Fishcarving
Canada Lopatin, Vladimir
USA MacClintock, Dorcas Animals Observed
Kenya Mathews, Terry Wildlife Sculptures in Bronze
USA Maynard, Chris Feather carvings, bird themes
Canada Mayo, Tony
Refined Sculpture and Hyper Detailed Painting and Drawing
USA Navarro, Chris Monumental Bronze Sculpture
USA Newmark, Marilyn Equine Bronzes
Canada Nicholls, Calvin wildlife and nature scenes in archival paper
Canada Nogy, Arnold
USA Osborne, Leo Sculpture, Painting & Poetry
USA Parsons, Victoria Wildlife sculptor in burls and bristlecone pine; stone and bronze.
USA Popp, Betsy Oil Painting, Wood Sculpture, Pastel, Pencil
Prescott, David Wildlife, Western, Big Cats, Birds of Prey, Domestic, Landscape
USA Quinn, Stephen Wildlife Art, Natural History Dioramas
USA Raynolds, Linda
Contemporary Animal Sculpture
USA Reuter-Twining, Diana Bronzes
USA Rich, Andrea Woodcut Prints, Bronze Sculpture
USA Rosetta, stylized bronze sculpture of animals, mostly feline
USA Ryan, Maria Contemporary Wildlife Paintings
Canada Sharkey Thomas, J. Painting, Drawing, Modeling, and Computer Graphics
USA Sheard, Kathleen Glass and Graphite Wildlife Artist
Mexico Siegmann, Naomi sculpture relating to nature
Norway Staaf, Susanne Wildlife Art, Engraving, Sculpture, Scrimshaw, Tattoo
USA Stanley, Eva Sculpture and Painting- North American Wildlife
Canada Stewart, James
Canada Strelive, Uta Vignettes of Nature
USA Swaluk, Joseph Original Fish Sculpture
USA Taylor, Mary welded steel sculpture
USA Walsh, Frank Marine life paintings in acrylic and marine life bronze sculpture.
USA Weidhaas, Allen Wildlife and sporting sculpture
USA Weiler, Dale Stone Sculptures
Canada Whiting, Jeffrey Nature sculptures, paintings and pencil drawings
USA Woodall, Terry Interpretive and Abstract Wood Sculpture
USA Woodbury, Ellen Stone Sculpture
USA Wyland,
Premier Ocean Artist


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(Samples of Nature Art & Wildlife Art by WNAG Nature Artists & Wildlife Artists)
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Nature Art | Wildlife Art
Original Painting

"Early Season Walleye"
By Curtis Atwater
24 x 30
Acrylic on board
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Nature Art | Wildlife Art
Original Sculpture

By Chris Navarro
13 x 28 x 7 (feet)
Bronze wildlife art paintings
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Becci Crowe's
Michael Dumas wins Best of Show
LOBO, Stories of a Golden Wolf
Dr. Guy Harvey Receives Top Florida State Honor
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