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Beth HoseltonBeth Hoselton   AFC Beth Hoselton
nature art
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Whether painting jaguars in Mexico, bighorn sheep in the Rockies, giraffes of the Serengeti, or songbirds in the South of France, Beth captures the fascinating symphony of nature with both passion and intricacy.
Canadian artist Beth Hoselton had a love and aptitude for art from an early age. Growing up in rural southern Ontario in the beautiful Northumberland hills, she had the privilege of being in an artistic environment as her father, renowned sculptor Carl Hoselton, imparted his knowledge and enthusiasm for all things artistic.

Beth was elected a signature member of the Society of Animal Artists and Artists For Conservation. She has used her time and talent to raise funds and awareness for many causes, including the United Way, Rotary International, the Algonquin Wolf Fund, the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, as well as World Wildlife Fund.

Trent University
Sir Sanford Fleming College,
Haliburton School of Fine Arts

Studio 737 Art Gallery, Tweed, Ontario
Gallery on the Lake, Buckhorn, Ontario
The Wellington Gallery, Aurora, Ontario
Cobourg Waterfront Festival, Ontario
Buckhorn Wildlife Art Festival, Ontario
Call of Africa Art Gallery, Naples, Florida
Call of Africa Art Gallery, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Support for Conservation:
Beth has used her time and talent to raise funds and awareness for many causes, including the United Way, Rotary International, the Algonquin Wolf Fund, the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, as well as World Wildlife Fund (WWF) which commissioned a polar bear limited edition print for their national Adopt-a-Polar Bear Campaign, and a Siberian tiger family print to raise funds for WWF's Wildlife Trade Program.


Direct Correspondence to:Beth Hoselton
Beth Hoselton

  Artists for Conservation Group
Email: hoseltonart@gmail.com
Home Page: Beth Hoselton's Latest Website
Beth Hoselton Beth Hoselton

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright 2025 Beth Hoselton - Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation (Formerly the Worldwide Nature Artists Group) www.natureartists.com. This site represents the original artwork
(nature art and wildlife art) of nature artist and wildlife artist
of Beth Hoselton and is protected by international copyright laws.
Use of nature art, wildlife art or any other images or text from this site, requires permission in writing from Beth Hoselton ().

This site is part of the Artists for Conservation (AFC) Web site. (Wildlife Art - Nature Art - Conservation) Artists for Conservation is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to nature art, wildlife art and conservation. On this site you will find world-class nature art and wildlife art by today's leading nature artists & wildlife artists. The AFC site is the Web's premier location for nature art, wildlife artists All content appearing in pages featuring Beth Hoselton is the sole responsibility of Beth Hoselton. The opinions expressed on these artists' pages are those of Beth Hoselton and do not necessarily reflect those of the Artists for Conservation Foundationi (AFC).