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David James RankinSAA, AFC Transparent & Plein Air Watercolors - Landscapes,Birds, Tigers, India,
The Last Crew
Subject: Pelicans & Cormorants on old ship. Dimensions (inches): 18 x 24 Medium: transparent watercolor Description: This painting was juried into the Society of Animal Artists annual exhibition that will open in Nevada in October 2005. It was also selected for the national museum tour that follows. The inspiration was an old boat cast up on a shoal near Hilton Head. The original crew had long gone on their way, and this last crew of pelicans, cormorrants, and seabirds had taken up their station on deck.
Original Available For Sale:
Price: $3,500.00 US
Limited Edition Available:
Direct Correspondence to:
David Rankin c/o David Rankin Watercolors
2320 Allison Road Cleveland, OH
USA 44118 Tel: 216-932-2125