Tropical Butterflies of the World
Subject: Butterflies of the World
Dimensions (centimeters): 59.6 x 44.4
Medium: Oil on canvas
Description: As I child I can remember being mesmerised as I watched butterflies feeding on a buddleia in our garden. They looked so fragile and beautiful as they fluttered from one flower to another searching for nectar and probing their probosces (a thin tubular tongue), delicately and precisely into each tiny flower head.
I have since learned that they are in fact quite tough little critters. Some species flying 1,000s of miles, across mountains and oceans - treacherous terrain, in order to reach breeding and feeding grounds. The seed for my fascination with butterflies had been sown.
Original Available For Sale:
Price: $1,529.00 US
Limited Edition Available:
Details: My Fine Art Prints are printed onto quality archival paper using quality pigmented inks. Prints are supplied, wrapped in tissue, inside sturdy, protective packaging. Price: $52.00 US
Conservation Committment: 10% (Artist commits to donating the indicated portion of proceeds to conservation)
This artwork is dedicated to: Butterfly Conservation
Direct Correspondence to:
Susan Shimeld
c/o Nature In Fine Art
Larmer Tree Studio,
Tollard Royal Salisbury, Wiltshire
Tel: 07963514614
Home Page: Susan Shimeld's Latest Website
