What feathers are, what they do, and why we find them alluring - Painting - Nature Art by Chris Maynard

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Chris MaynardChris Maynard  
Feather carvings, bird themes
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Feathers, Form, and Function  - What feathers are, what they do, and why we find them alluring by Chris Maynard
  Feathers, Form, and Function   (2014)
Subject: What feathers are, what they do, and why we find them alluring
Dimensions (inches): 8.5 x 11 x 0.5
Medium: Book
Description: A tabletop book of Maynard's art and information about what feathers are, what they do for birds, and why they have meaning for us. Signed copies available from the website www.feathersformandfunction.com. Mention you were referred by Artists for Conservation.
Original Available For Sale: Yes
Price: $40.00 US

Limited Edition Available: Yes

Conservation Committment: 10% (Artist commits to donating the indicated portion of proceeds to conservation)
This artwork is dedicated to: Audubon Society  


Direct Correspondence to:Chris Maynard
Chris Maynard
c/o Featherfolio
8211 Ayer Street
Olympia, WA
USA 98501
Tel: +1 360 878-0755
  Artists for Conservation Group
Email: chris@featherfolio.com
Home Page: Chris Maynard's Latest Website
Chris Maynard Chris Maynard

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright  Chris Maynard
Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation www.natureartists.com.