HarlanAFC Celebrate the Beauty of Nature in Oil Paintings
Leaves with Dew
Subject: Autumn leaves with Dew Dimensions (inches): 30 x 40 x 1.5 Medium: Oil on Canvas Description: The wealth of fall colors is always a wonder but combine that with the magic of dew drops and it becomes truly enchanting. I liked how the holes in the leaves echo the shape of the dew drops. This is the companion painting for Purple Fall. While it isn't necessary that they both be hung together, they have hung side by side in my studio for many years. The reference photos for both paintings were taken on the same day and just a few feet apart so I've always thought of them as a set.
Original Available For Sale:
Price: $2,500.00 US
Limited Edition Available:
Details: Prints can be made available. Please email the artist.