HarlanAFC Celebrate the Beauty of Nature in Oil Paintings
(g)Racing Stripes
Subject: Yellow and Red Parrot Tulip Dimensions (inches): 30 x 40 x 1.5 Medium: Oil on Canvas Description: In the fall of 2005 I planted many parrot tulip bulbs on my hillside. The package of bulbs was a random mixture so I had no idea exactly what would bloom come Spring. While a good majority of the bulbs turned out to be white there were a few that were dazzling. This yellow and red tulip was one of my favorite new additions to my garden. As is quite often the case I had to wait for the sun to be in a perfect position to illuminate this flower. It was certainly worth the wait. The light and shadows were captivating. It was only after I got to study my reference photo in greater detail that I noticed the bits of fluff on the flowers right. I also liked the contrast between this very colorful blossom and the simple, elegant trillium about to bloom in the lower left.
Original Available For Sale:
Price: $5,000.00 US
Limited Edition Available:
Details: Prints available upon request, please email artist.
Conservation Committment: 5% (Artist commits to donating the indicated portion of proceeds to conservation)