Parks Reece - Original Paintings, Lithographs and Reproductions

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Original Paintings, Lithographs and Reproductions
Parks Reece Parks Reece
Parks Reece

Parks Reece

Parks begins his paintings by first applying paint to a glass plate and then gently laying his paper on to the plate, lifting and reapplying to achieve a multi-hued, multi-dimensional canvas that he calls "subpainting.” Many of these subpaintings are over thirty years old and continue to evolve using this process. Once he deems these monotypes ready to use he adds details and figures to tell the story.
Parks created a series of enthusiastically received limited edition lithographs. This highly challenging but rewarding art form invented in Germany in 1798 has been employed by most of the great artists since that time.
Parks learned finger painting at the age of 6 from his mother Gwyn Finley Reece and noted fingerpainting artist Ruth Faison Shaw. Today he continues this tradition creating sophisticated paintings.


Latest Artwork
Pie in the Sky - Magpies by Parks Reece (2) Click to view a larger image. Pie in the Sky  (2015)
5 x 7
Acrylic on Paper

Original Available
Ltd. Edition Available
What in the World - Environmental Issues by Parks Reece (2) Click to view a larger image. What in the World  (2015)
Environmental Issues
7.75 x 5
Parks Reece
Direct Correspondence to:Parks Reece
Parks Reece
c/o Parks Reece Gallery
119 South Main
Livingston, MT
USA 59047
Tel: 406-222-5724
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(nature art and wildlife art) of nature artist and wildlife artist
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