AFC Awards of Excellence Announced |
11/21/2010 - Each year the Artists for Conservation Foundation awards five AFC "Medals of Excellence" to artists for their artworks in the Annual Art of Conservation, an international exhibit of nature in art. pastel painting, -Where's Waldo?-, depicting 12 Galapagos marine iguanas and a small ground finch by Kelly Dodge, pictured here, was one of the works singled out for special recognition from among over 400 art submissions for the prestigious 2010 AFC Virtual Exhibition.
The six award winners, in alphabetical order are: Guy Coheleach for-Seacoast Pelicans-, Anni Crouter for -Solitaire-, Kelly Dodge, for -Where's Waldo?-, David Kitler for -Madagascar - Creatures of the Night- and Robert Parkin for -I See You-. Val Warner for
In conjunction with the launch of the Annual AFC Virtual Exhibition and new AFC website an annual calendar was issued and is available to help fund AFC programs with a portion of each sale contributed directly to the Wildlife Conservation Society.
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