Kim Middleton - Avian Oil Paintings

Kim Middleton
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Kim MiddletonKim L Middleton   AFC, WAOW Kim Middleton
Avian Oil Paintings
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Kim Middleton Kim Middleton
Kim Middleton

Kim Middleton

A Hole with a View depicting a Barn Owl in its roosting hollow was a part of the Oil Painters of America 24th National Juried Exhibition of Traditional Oils in 2015.

I have worked with birds most of my life, and the complexity of the avian world continues to amaze and inspire me. My intent with my art is to spark the viewer's interest in birds with the hope of increasing awareness and appreciation for birds in order to generate action toward environmental conservation.

My paintings are created from a limited palette of transparent oil paints in red, blue, yellow and white. I add multiple layers of glazes to achieve rich hues, develop form, and create luminescence. A look from a distance gives a homogeneous view of the painting, but a close inspection will reveals a wide range of colors, giving the painting depth and interest.


Latest Artwork
Seductive - White-cheeked Whistling Duck by Kim Middleton (2) Click to view a larger image. Seductive 
White-cheeked Whistling Duck
10 x 8

Original Available
Eagle Totem - Bald Eagle by Kim Middleton (2) Click to view a larger image. Eagle Totem 
Bald Eagle
16 x 20

Original Available 
Pledge Amt: 15%
to Alaska Raptor Center  

Kim Middleton
Direct Correspondence to:Kim Middleton
Kim Middleton

Eastsound, Washington
Tel: 360-317-5605
  Artists for Conservation Group
Home Page: Kim Middleton's Latest Website
Kim Middleton Kim Middleton
Kim Middleton
Kim Middleton
Kim Middleton
Kim Middleton
Kim Middleton
All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright 2024 Kim Middleton - Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation (Formerly the Worldwide Nature Artists Group) This site represents the original artwork
(nature art and wildlife art) of nature artist and wildlife artist
of Kim Middleton and is protected by international copyright laws.
Use of nature art, wildlife art or any other images or text from this site, requires permission in writing from Kim Middleton ().

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