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Saturday, February 8, 2025 date
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  Artist Name Specialty
Canada Arnett, Stuart Wildlife Conservation Artist.
USA Besse, Linda Original Oil Wildlife Paintings
UK Bissell, Lauren Wildlife
UK Drysdale, Angela African Wildlife Art, Landscapes and Portraits in Oil and Pastel
USA Filardi, Del Birds of Steel
USA Fischbein, Karen Underwater Photography
USA Franson, Sunny wetlands, wildlife, open spaces
Kenya Glen, Robert African Subjects Sculpted in Bronze
Japan Hamanaka, Setsuo Marine Wildlife and Seascapes in Oils
USA Heaton, Janet Wildlife and domestic animals in pastels and oils
Canada Hobson, Mark Painting - Acrylic, Oil & Watercolour
USA Hughbanks, Debbie Wildlife, Western, Figurative, Domestic Animals, Pet Portraits
Canada Johnson, David Bruce Sculpture in Wood and Stone
USA Johnson, Jay
Canada Kitler, David Nature and Wildlife Original Paintings & Reproductions
USA Lawrenson, C. Frederick
Australia McClelland, Chris Wildlife drawings African/Australian animals with intricate detail
USA Nicholls, Alison African Wildlife and People
USA Osborne, Leo Sculpture, Painting & Poetry
UK Pickering, Pollyanna Painter of the Living World
USA Polito, Kay Paintings of birds, animals, and habitat
USA Popp, Betsy Oil Painting, Wood Sculpture, Pastel, Pencil
USA Rich, Andrea Woodcut Prints, Bronze Sculpture
USA Rosetta, stylized bronze sculpture of animals, mostly feline
USA Rossin, Linda Birds, Mammals, Fine Art Miniatures
USA Seerey-Lester, Suzie Wildlife
USA Seerey-Lester, John Wildlife and Figurative
Australia Smith, Josephine Wildlife Art
USA Solberg, Morten Wildlife, Landscape, Figure, Floral, Native Indian, Hunting, Fly Fishi
USA Sutton, Linda Transparent Watercolors, Wildlife, Landscape & Plein air
USA Taylor, Mary welded steel sculpture
United Kingdom Truss, Jonathan African mammals, landscapes, big cats
USA Walden, Christopher Realistic Wildlife & Landscape Paintings
USA Walker, Linda Oil & Scratchboard
USA Watkins, Peggy Wildlife & Sporting Art
USA Wilson, Patti Wildlife


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(Samples of Nature Art & Wildlife Art by WNAG Nature Artists & Wildlife Artists)
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Nature Art | Wildlife Art
Original Painting

"jellyfish created"
By Hilde_Aga Brun
90 x 120
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wildlife art paintings
wildlife art paintings
wildlife art paintings
wildlife art paintings
wildlife art paintings
Nature Art | Wildlife Art
Original Sculpture

"A Shelly Trek To The Sea"
By Kim Toft
35 x 70 x 0.5 (centimeters)
Original Hand Painted Silk
$320wildlife art paintings
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