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AFC Flag Expedition #11:
How an Artist Saved the Mountain Gorilla: Retracing the Footsteps of Carl Akeley 85 Years Later
Expedition Artist: Stephen C. Quinn
Purpose: To retrace the steps of the American Museum of Natural History icon, Carl Akeley; to tell the unique story of how an artist catalyzed Africa's first national park; and to highlight and support current conservation work being done to save the Mountain Gorilla.
Location: Democratic Republic of Congo & Rwanda, Central Africa
Scheduled For: November, 2010
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About Steve Quinn
About the Houston Zoo
About Mountain Gorilla Veterinarian Project
About the American Museum of Natural History
About UC Davis Wildlife Health Center
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The Houston Zoo strives to be a leader in conservation as it relates to the survival of threatened wildlife and habitats, the wise use of natural resources, and the appreciation of our natural world by the zoo audiences. This objective will be accomplished through a comprehensive program of on-site and field initiatives based on good science, sound economics, and environmental and cultural sensitivity.
The Houston Zoo recognizes both the challenges and the opportunities for combining quality public recreation and education with efforts to ensure the survival of threatened species in captivity and in the wild.  Our goal is to fully integrate the conservation mission into the institution's day-to-day operation and to increase our capacity to contribute to worthwhile and effective programs at the state, regional, national and international levels.
The Houston Zoo's role has expanded our efforts to encompass a number of global conservation initiatives including:
•Bornean Orangutan Conservation
•Borneo's Elephant Conservation
•Botswana Black Rhinoceros Reintroduction
•El Valle Amphibian Rescue Center-Panama
•Peninsular Pronghorn Recovery, Mexico
•Cheetah Conservation Botswana
•Asian Elephant Satellite Tracking and Social Structure
•Tapir Conservation
•Mbeli Bai Gorilla Study
  © Copyright 2025. Artists for Conservation Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.