ECOTERRA was created in the early 80's as an informal network of scientists, researchers and development professionals, as well as concerned individuals having various backgrounds with the task to create awareness especially about the environmental problems in developing countries and to elaborate, promote and implement solutions. ECOTERRA's mandate is to care for the natural environment and to improve environmental, nature's, human and civil rights. They act in the spirit of the consequent realisation of the World Charter for Nature, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Convention on Biological Diversity as well as other international conventions caring for life on earth. |
Web site: www.ecoterra.net
Art for ConservationTM Commitment Goal:
Not Specified.
ECOTERRA Intl. has been indicated by AFC members as a potential recipient of donations by participating artists. AFC's Art for ConservationTM program, provides a forum to promote artwork that benefits recognized conservation organizations such as ECOTERRA Intl..
AFC members have voluntarily and independently earmarked a portion of the proceeds from the sale of their artwork to ECOTERRA Intl.. AFC's Art for ConservationTM program provides a forum to help promote artwork for sale that includes such a commitment. Each artists's commitment is contingent on the sale of their work and the above estimate is a potential total based on the completion of sale of any original work and/or limited editions. The AFC is not involved in any way with artwork sales transactions, nor does it make any guarantees relating to artist commitments. The AFC takes no commission whatsoever from the sale of artwork under the Art for ConservationTM program, unless explicitly indicated.
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