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Friday, February 14, 2025 date
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  Wildlife SOS India  
Today it is an organisation responsible for taking action against animal cruelty, rescuing wildlife in distress, working to resolve man-animal conflicts while promoting and educating the public about the need for habitat protection. Wildlife SOS is committed to working with communities who depend on wildlife for sustenance and providing them alternative and sustainable livelihoods as that is the key to sustainable conservation. Wildlife SOS also emphasizes the value of ex-situ research in veterinary areas, behavioural studies, reproductive physiology and other fields in collaboration with national and international universities and organisations.
Although Wildlife SOS is mainly known for its work with the “Dancing Bears” of India, we also have active projects to help Leopards, Elephants, Reptiles and other animals. We work on various projects titleed at environment and biodiversity conservation as well as reducing our carbon footprint. With the help of our dedicated staff and volunteers, grant programs and supportive agencies, both national and international, everyday they renew their commitment to the animals and to finding innovative ways to sustain and grow their mission. Wildlife SOS has formal ‘co-operative’ agreements in place with state governments and forest departments in more than nine states in India.
Web site: wildlifesos.org/

Art for ConservationTM Commitment Goal:
Not Specified.

Wildlife SOS India has been indicated by AFC members as a potential recipient of donations by participating artists. AFC's Art for ConservationTM program, provides a forum to promote artwork that benefits recognized conservation organizations such as Wildlife SOS India.

AFC members have voluntarily and independently earmarked a portion of the proceeds from the sale of their artwork to Wildlife SOS India. AFC's Art for ConservationTM program provides a forum to help promote artwork for sale that includes such a commitment. Each artists's commitment is contingent on the sale of their work and the above estimate is a potential total based on the completion of sale of any original work and/or limited editions. The AFC is not involved in any way with artwork sales transactions, nor does it make any guarantees relating to artist commitments. The AFC takes no commission whatsoever from the sale of artwork under the Art for ConservationTM program, unless explicitly indicated.

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(Samples of Nature Art & Wildlife Art by WNAG Nature Artists & Wildlife Artists)
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Nature Art | Wildlife Art
Original Painting

" Evening Waxwings"
By Jon Janosik
29 x 39
Walnut Oil on Prepared Board
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Nature Art | Wildlife Art
Original Sculpture

By Chris Navarro
10 x 9.5 x 4.5 (inches)
BRONZEwildlife art paintings
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