Cindy Billingsley - Wildlife painting and sculpture, mainly one of a kind work

Cindy Billingsley
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Cindy BillingsleyCindy Billingsley   AFC Cindy Billingsley
Wildlife painting and sculpture, mainly one of a kind work
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Cindy Billingsley Cindy Billingsley
Cindy Billingsley

Cindy Billingsley

Animals have a right to a place in the world. We as human make up just a small part of the world. Everything is connected and once different species of animals disappear then more and more will follow. Animals do not have a voice, and as an artist I wanted to try and give them a voice through my art. Artists through centuries have been the observers in a society. Art can make a difference, get people thinking, seeing and hopefully changing ways so that animals can keep and improve their habitats.
I wanted to do art around Endangered animals to start a dialog, to connect, to get people to understand what it is like for an animal trying to live and survive in this world. To know that they can’t always protect themselves and it is up to us to help provide a safe habitat. So future generations can see the beautiful face of a panda, and that newborn pandas continue to be brought into the world. I speak through paint and clay. I want you to see the sheer beauty of all the animals and tinyest creatures we are blessed to have on this wonderful planet of ours.

William Faulkner said it best ~ The aim of every artist is to arrest motion, which is life, by artificial means and hold it fixed so that a hundred years later, when a stranger looks at it it moves again since it is life.

Art gives us permission to think about the questions that we have. It is a way of expressing ourselves and our ideas. I must paint and sculpt the world I live in. I wanted to try and bring about more awareness to the issues in our society and the plight of the endangered animals in our world. And with that awakened awareness we might just understand ourselves better.


Latest Artwork
octopus - Octopus by Cindy Billingsley (2) Click to view a larger image. octopus  (2005)
15 x 32 x 28 (inches)
clay and glass tiles

Original Available 
Pledge Amt: 15%
to Ocean Conservancy  

Tiger - tiger by Cindy Billingsley (2) Click to view a larger image. Tiger  (2015)
20 x 24 x 2 (inches)
Cindy Billingsley
Direct Correspondence to:Cindy Billingsley
Cindy Billingsley
c/o Cindy Billingsley Fine Art
1455 Abner Allen Rd.
Cookeville, TN
USA 38501
Tel: 615-423-4532
  Artists for Conservation Group
Home Page: Cindy Billingsley's Latest Website
Cindy Billingsley Cindy Billingsley
Cindy Billingsley
Cindy Billingsley
Cindy Billingsley
Cindy Billingsley
Cindy Billingsley
All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright 2024 Cindy Billingsley - Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation (Formerly the Worldwide Nature Artists Group) This site represents the original artwork
(nature art and wildlife art) of nature artist and wildlife artist
of Cindy Billingsley and is protected by international copyright laws.
Use of nature art, wildlife art or any other images or text from this site, requires permission in writing from Cindy Billingsley (Cindy Billingsley Fine Art).

This site is part of the Artists for Conservation (AFC) Web site. (Wildlife Art - Nature Art - Conservation) Artists for Conservation is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to nature art, wildlife art and conservation. On this site you will find world-class nature art and wildlife art by today's leading nature artists & wildlife artists. The AFC site is the Web's premier location for nature art, wildlife artists All content appearing in pages featuring Cindy Billingsley is the sole responsibility of Cindy Billingsley. The opinions expressed on these artists' pages are those of Cindy Billingsley and do not necessarily reflect those of the Artists for Conservation Foundationi (AFC).