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Lyn EllisonLyn Ellison   AFC Lyn Ellison
Australian, African Wildlife, Owls Worldwide

Studying Wildlife in Tanzania
After a wonderful trip to Namibia in 2005, 3 artist friends from Australia and members of AFC are travelling to Tanzania to visit the northern wildlife parks - Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Tarengire and Lake Manyara. They will also visit exotic Zanzibar and hope to see the rare red colubus monkeys there. The safari will include camping in the Serengeti, hopefully close to the wildebeest migration as it moves up the western border and crosses the Grometti River. They will also be camping in the Tarengire Nation Park where large concentrations of elephant gather close to water. At Lake Manyara and Ngorongoro they will stay in lodges close to the parks and intend to visit local schools along the way to deliver some helpful school supplies. One school in particular St Judes, near Arusha is run by an amazing young Australian woman and they intend to make contact here.
The 3 artists, Peta Boyce, Judy Scotchford and Lyn Ellison put together a wonderful exhibition after their trip to Namibia called A Brush With Africa with portraits of local people, paintings of birds, animals and landscapes. Watch out for the results of their trip to Tanzania, it should be spectacular!


Direct Correspondence to:Lyn Ellison
Lyn Ellison

  Artists for Conservation Group
Email: petaboyce@bigpond.com
Lyn Ellison Lyn Ellison

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright  Lyn Ellison
Member of The Worldwide Nature Artists Group www.natureartists.com.