| Travel with Canadian artist David Kitler to the remote jungles of Panama's Darien Province to learn about the magnificent but endangered Harpy Eagle - the world's most powerful bird. Find out more... |
Another Image Receives Recognition |
“Larger than Life – Turkey Vulture” received an Honourable Mention in the ‘Animals – Wild, Domestic, on Land, in the Air or Under the Sea’ competition by Art-Competition.net, an international fine art online juried competition. Images were supposed to “intrigue and fascinate the viewer with the artist's vision and interpretation of the animal's beauty, elegance, strength, speed, delicateness, size, and or its environment.” Check out the winning images by visiting http://art-competition.net/Animals_Wild-Domestic.cfm and see more of David’s work by visiting his online gallery (www.davidkitler.com). |