2012 - AFC Blog Post: Painting, Poetry, and the Heart of Conservation - Part 2
In January of 2012 Phyllis Frazier contributed a second blog post for AFC on the historical practice of pairing one's poetry with their wildlife art.
Read the article here: http://www.artistsforconservation.org/blog-entry/afc/painting-poetry-and-heart-conservation-part-2


2011 - AFC Blog Post: Painting, Poetry, and the Heart of Conservation - Part 1
In July of 2011 Phyllis Frazier was invited to contribute a series of blog posts on AFC. Part one is about her process of pairing her poetry with her wildlife art.
Read the article here: http://www.artistsforconservation.org/blog-entry/afc/painting-poetry-and-heart-conservation


2011 - Phyllis Frazier invited to join Artists for Conservation.
Phyllis Frazier was honored to be invited into the esteemed Artists for Conservation Foundation as a Signature Member.


2009 - Present: Red Fox Print Benefits Endangered Saharan Wildlife.
Through a partnership with the Sahara Conservation Fund and the St. Louis Zoo, Phyllis has contributed to their conservation efforts, from sales of her Red Fox print.


2003 - Present: Bird Prints Benefit Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ.
Piping Plover and Least Tern Prints Benefit Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey for their shorebird protection efforts.


2003 - Phyllis Frazier is Commissioned to Create Art for Wings 'n Water Festival.
Phyllis Frazier is commissioned to create original artwork for the Wings 'n Water Festival fundraising poster.
