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Jeffrey BrailasJeffrey Brailas   AFC Jeffrey Brailas
plein air painting, mythological and allegorical paintings
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Texas Mysticism
Jeffrey Brailas exhibited his work at the Nancy Wilson Scanlan Gallery in Austin, Texas in fall of 2012.

The Arribata -- Costa Rica
We had the good fortune to see an Olive Ridley Sea Turtle lay her eggs on Playa Guiones, near Nosara, Costa Rica. Nature never ceases to amaze us. There is wonder all about us -- all we need to do is to be still and patient.

Thoughts on Big Bend 2010
Every year in Big Bend National Park is a little different. After over 15 trips to this remote region, I have become aware of how nature undergoes subtle changes and cycles. Being outside and doing plein air paintings has helped me to recognize those changes. This year the rains came earlier and a resulting drier period for our trip. The Mexican Black Bears were not sighted this time. They will probably travel up into the Chisos Mountains later in the season. Although we were disappointed that we did not spot any, we were told by the rangers that they have been thriving in this protected environment.
The grasshoppers, however, were in abundance. We observed several high elevation lizards which I am currently reading up on in my newly purchased field manual on reptiles of the Southwest. I will be posting my latest Big Bend plein air paintings soon.

Big Bend landscape wins first place in Austin Texas competition
I was awarded first place in the "What Texas Means to Me" competition in Austin, Texas. My painting featured an allegory set in the Big Bend National Park.

Painting Trip to Belize
My wife and I have completed a painting trip to Belize. We travelled to the Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, Monkey Bay, and to a private coastal littoral forest -- one of the most endangered forests in the world. I completed four plein air landscapes while I was in Belize, and I am now busy again painting in my studio.

Jeffrey Brailas was a Finalist in Hunting Prize 2010


Direct Correspondence to:Jeffrey Brailas
Jeffrey Brailas

Houston, Texas
  Artists for Conservation Group
Email: jmbart1635@sbcglobal.net
Home Page: Jeffrey Brailas's Latest Website
Jeffrey Brailas Jeffrey Brailas

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright  Jeffrey Brailas
Member of The Worldwide Nature Artists Group www.natureartists.com.