
Gallery Collection at La Posada de Santa Fe
La Posada de Santa Fe is an upscale hotel located in the historic district of Santa Fe, NM. The Gallery Collection features work in various mediums by a selection of artists.
330 East Palace Avenue,
Santa Fe, NM, USA
Telephone: 505.954.9668
Email: saraeyestone@yahoo.com
Hand Artes Gallery
Contemporary and traditional paintings and sculpture in a wide variety of subject matter.
P.O. Box 417,
Truchas, New Mexico, USA
Telephone: 800.689.2441
Email: handartes@la-tierra.com
Mongerson Gallery - see note below - (not currently showing)
Tyler Mongerson recently represented me for 7 years. While the gallery focus recently changed and he is not currently showing my paintings, he continues to act as an advisor for my work. Specialists in 19th-20th century American and Western paintings and sculpture, established in 1971.
875 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 2520,
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Telephone: 312.943.2354
Email: info@mongersongallery.com
Paint Box Gallery
Primarily known for its gallery-wide display of miniature paintings and sculpture and annual miniature exhibition, along with a selection of larger works.
10426 Hwy. 42,
Ephraim, Wisconsin, USA
Telephone: 920.854.4435
Email: greskoandsonstextiles@yahoo.com
The Clay Bay Pottery
Pottery, paintings, jewelry and crafts with a focus on artwork inspired by nature. Gallery owned by Door County master ceramic artists.
11650 Hwy. 42,
Ellison Bay, Wisconsin, USA
Telephone: 920.854.5027
Email: jaureliu@itol.com
Traveller Idea
Below is the website of Marat Karimov, an excellent tour guide in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. He takes travellers to many fascinating and beautiful cities and sites in the country, which includes several of the main cities of the ancient Silk Road. He has kindly posted 17 of my Uzbekistan paintings along with a bio of me. I had two exhibitions of this work, in Door County, WI and Santa Fe, NM, and donated 15% of my proceeds from sales to Medecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders.
Tashkent, , Uzbekistan
Email: http://travelleridea.com/?p=1
