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Martha ThompsonMartha A. Thompson   AFC Martha Thompson
Nature Art
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I would be very happy to discuss any ideas for commissioned artwork.

For the most part, I would like to learn some history behind the subject and if possible have a photography session. I do most of my work based on photos I take myself (of course, when subject is available) and usually use more than one as my reference.

Please be aware that I enjoy my work tremendously and do not like to rush any of the steps of the creative process.

I would prefer to discuss the commission, at least at one point, in person or over the phone. As an agreement gets reached, all details would be specified in writing.

Direct Correspondence to:Martha Thompson
Martha Thompson

Tucson, AZ
Tel: 520-869-1392
  Artists for Conservation Group
Email: marthathompsonart@outlook.com
Home Page: Martha Thompson's Latest Website
Martha Thompson Martha Thompson

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright  Martha Thompson
Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation www.natureartists.com.