Home of Judy ScotchfordBiography of Judy ScotchfordArtwork by Judy ScotchfordCommissions with Judy ScotchfordCreative Process of Judy ScotchfordGalleries Displaying Artwork by Judy ScotchfordGuesbook of Judy ScotchfordLinksMailing List for Judy Scotchford

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Judy ScotchfordJudy Scotchford   AFC Judy Scotchford
African subjects, Childrens Portraits, Cultural portraits & wi
I am quite happy to accept commissions providing I can use my own reference material and there is full agreement from both parties as to the content of the painting. The commissioned piece will be painted subject to other committments at the time, for example, other exhibitions.

Please feel free to contact me.......... Thank you

Direct Correspondence to:Judy Scotchford
Judy Scotchford
c/o Judy Scotchford
43 Margaret Cres. Wakerley
Brisbane, Queensland
Australia 4154
Tel: 07-33904527
  Artists for Conservation Group
Email: judyscotchford@gmail.com
Home Page: http://www.judyscotchford.com
Judy Scotchford Judy Scotchford

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright  Judy Scotchford
Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation www.natureartists.com.