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J. Sharkey ThomasJ. Sharkey Thomas   SAA, AFC J. Sharkey Thomas
Painting, Drawing, Modeling, and Computer Graphics
A naturalized Canadian artist, born in the USA in 1930, trained and free-lanced commercially in New York until moving to Ottawa Canada in 1963. Focused predominately on animals and nature subjects which were reproduced and distributed by Pepper House Fine Arts Ltd. Solo exhibitions in Ottawa, Toronto, New York and Salt Spring Island. Paintings shown in gallery collections in Victoria, Vancouver, Penticton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Hamilton, Ottawa, Halifax and Wolfville. Elected to Society of Animal Artists in 1973, exhibiting annually in the SAA group shows in numerous USA cities. Relocated to British Columbia after teaching several seasons at the Okanagan Summer School of the Arts, settling on Salt Spring Island BC in 1985.

Support for Conservation:
The proceeds from countless originals, prints, reproductions, and royalties have assisted a wide range of animal and conservation organizations over the years, including The Owl Foundation, The World Wildlife Fund Canada, WWF USA, The Western Canada Wilderness Committee, The Lanark SPCA, The Ontario Wolf League, The International Fund for Animal Welfare, Friends of Animals, Long Island Ocelot Club, Burnaby Wildlife Rescue Association of B.C. in Burnaby, and The Island Wildlife Natural Care Centre on Salt Spring Island.


  • Carmanah - Artistic Visions of an Ancient Rainforest (1990)
    More about Carmanah - Artistic Visions of an Ancient Rainforest
    Painting, bio, and personal thoughts on the Carmanah - 
    This book was published after 2 groups of BC area artists staged "paint-ins" by camping for several days and sketching their surroundings, later producing finished works which were auctioned to benefit the efforts to (successfully)save the Carmanah from further logging destruction.
    Author: Multi-contributors
    Published by: Western Canada Wilderness Committee
  • Fritz Hug - Animal Paintings (1990)
    Introduction text. - 
    I was asked by Fritz Hug's niece to do this forward for the book after I had been exchanging correspondence with Hug for a year or two before his death. I was, and remain, in great admiration for his loose, scruffy, impressionistic style and his insistence on painting animals directly from life to extract the purest essence and attitude of the life within.
    Author: Hug+Söhne AG, Zurich
    Published by: Atelier Fritz Hug, Zurich
  • Discovery Magazine (1984)
    More about Discovery Magazine
    Illustrator - 
    Informative 7 page article by Dorcas MacClintock entitled "City Raccoon, Country Raccoon -The ways of an Ecological Opportunist" profusely illustrated with drybrush drawings borrowed from MacClintock's book "A Natural History of Raccoons".
    Author: Dorcas MacClintock
    Published by: Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History
  • A Natural History of Raccoons (1981)
    Illustrator - 
    42 black and white drybrush drawings describing in detail the author's amazing and extensive study of raccoons.
    Author: Dorcas MacClintock
    Published by: Charles Scribner's Sons
  • The Blue-Green Tree (1976)
    Illustrator - Black and white drybrush drawings.
    Author: Agnes Smith
    Published by: Westwind Press
  • Huntress With a Paintbrush (1976)
    Subject of the profile. - 
    Nine paintings and drawings illustrated the text with personal captions.
    Author: Charles Black
    Published by: Readers Digest
  • An Edge of the Forest (1974)
    Illustrator - 
    An Edge of the Forest is a fantasy about a small black lamb whose life is saved by a leopardess when he is driven from his flock into the woods.
    Author: Agnes Smith
    Published by: Westwind Press
  • Nature Canada Magazine (1974)
    Subject of profile. - 
    A comprehensive 8 page article which included 20 B/W drybrush drawings, my favoured medium at the time.
    Author: Clarence Tillenius
    Published by: Canadian Nature Federation
Organization Membership:

Direct Correspondence to:J. Sharkey Thomas
J. Sharkey Thomas
141 Madrona Rd.
Salt Spring Island, BC
Canada V8K 2R4
Tel: 250-537-4296
  Artists for Conservation Group
Email: catfyre@jsharkeythomas.com
Home Page: http://www.jsharkeythomas.com
J. Sharkey Thomas J. Sharkey Thomas

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright 2024 J. Sharkey Thomas - Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation (Formerly the Worldwide Nature Artists Group) www.natureartists.com. This site represents the original artwork
(nature art and wildlife art) of nature artist and wildlife artist
of J. Sharkey Thomas and is protected by international copyright laws.
Use of nature art, wildlife art or any other images or text from this site, requires permission in writing from J. Sharkey Thomas ().

This site is part of the Artists for Conservation (AFC) Web site. (Wildlife Art - Nature Art - Conservation) Artists for Conservation is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to nature art, wildlife art and conservation. On this site you will find world-class nature art and wildlife art by today's leading nature artists & wildlife artists. The AFC site is the Web's premier location for nature art, wildlife artists All content appearing in pages featuring J. Sharkey Thomas is the sole responsibility of J. Sharkey Thomas. The opinions expressed on these artists' pages are those of J. Sharkey Thomas and do not necessarily reflect those of the Artists for Conservation Foundationi (AFC).