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Gregory McHuronGregory McHuron   SAA, AFC, RMPAP, WAA Gregory McHuron
Landscape and Wildlife in Oil and Watercolor
I am a plein air painter working in oil and watercolor/gouache. Born in Syracuse, New York, I was raised in Colorado, Wyoming, Alaska and California. I always wanted to be an artist and began sketching at an early age.

My education included 4 years of extensive high school training by a teacher who graduated from the Berlin Art Academy. I attended Oregon State University and took classes in forestry and fisheries and wildlife and graduated in 1968 with a Bachelor's Degree in Art. After graduating, I worked as a designer and Art Director of an interior design firm before moving to Jackson, Wyoming.

Introduced to plein air painting in oil in 1973 by Conrad "Connie" Schwiering, I quickly found that I enjoyed painting the rapidly changing scenes. It allowed me to put in my paintings the feelings and excitement that I felt while watching the scene unfold which created more drama and excitement than I would have been able to do in a studio enviornment. I have traveled widely including to Selby Lake (above the arctic circle), AK; southeast AK; wilderness trips in the Thoroughfare and Wind River Range, WY; Colorado Rockies; Banff and Jasper National Parks, Canada; the coast of British Columbia, Canada; Alert Bay and Vancouver Island, Canada; Haida Gwaii, Canada; and down the Grand Canyon, AZ.

I am a member of the Society of Animal Artists since 1979; signature member of the Rocky Mountain Plein-Air Painters; Artists for Conservation; and Western Artists of America. I have taught many workshops throughout the inter-mountain west including for the Scottsdale School of the Arts in 2001.

Support for Conservation:
Special Achievements:
  • Special Achievements
    -2011 Artist Choice Award, Rocky Mountian Plein Air Painter Show, Pagosa Springs, CO
    -2011 Silver for watercolor, Western Artists of America Show, Corsicana, TX
    -2009 Trustee's Purchase Award, National Museum of Wildlife Art, Jackson, WY
    -2006, One of the Artist Choice Awards, Wild Wild West Show, Scottsdale, AZ
    -2005 Artist Choice Award, Plein Air 2005 Show, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ
    -2008 and 2003 Colonel Richard H. "Red" Smith Award, National Museum of Wildlife Art, Jackson, WY
    -2002 Artist's Choice Award, Bennington Center for the Arts, Bennington, Vermont
    -2002 Wildlife Award, Wind River Valley Show, Dubois, WY
    -1999 Wyoming Artist Association - Artist of the Year
    -1999, Artist-in-Residence at Glacier National Park for July
    -July,1995 and August, 1994 Artist-in-Residence at Isle Royale National Park
    -1991 U. S. Representative to the Leighton foundation artist retreat, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  • Major Shows
    -Western Artists of America, Pearce Museum, Corsicana, TX
    -Oil Painters of America Shows
    -"Wildlife Art for a New Century II", National Museum of Wildlife Art, 2005, Jackson, WY
    -"Wildlife Art for a New Century", National Museum of Wildlife Art, 2000, Jackson, WY (A show for 47 internationally acclaimed wildlife artists)
    -CM Russell Show and Auction, 1979-1998, Great Falls, MT
    -Miniature Show, National Musum of Wildlife Art, 1987 to present, Jackson, WY
    -Art and the Animal Kingdom Shows, Bennngton Center for the Fine Arts, Bennington, VT
    -Society of Animal Artists National Shows
    -1986 Wild Wings Gallery, San Francisco, CA (one man show)
    -North American Wild Animal Art Exhibition sponsored by the Cowboy Hall of Fame, Oklahoma City, OK
    -National shows with the Nature Conservancy
    -National Shows with Ducks Unlimited
    -Arts for the Parks competition. Top 100 and Top 200, the latest being in 2000
  • Collections
    Many public and private collections including:
    -13 piece mural at the Jackson Hole & Greater Yellowstone Visitor Center, Jackson, WY
    -Ella Carothers Dunnegan Museum, Bolivar MO
    -National Museum of Wildlife Art, Jackson, WY
    -Bennington Center for the Arts, Bennington, VT
    -Grand Teton National Park, Moose, Wy
    -Leighton Foundation, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    -Isle Royale Natural History Association, Houghton, MI
    -J. C. Penny, Dallas, TX
    -Lost Creek Ranch, Jackson, WY
    -Cardiac Care Unit, Great Falls, MT
    -MAG Collection, Atlanta, GA
    -Holland and Hart, Denver, CO
  • Articles 
     - -Art of the West Magazine, July/August 1996
    -Southwest Art Magazine, November 1990
    -Southwest Art Magazine, March 1988
    -Wildlife Art News, September/October 1986

  • Listed in: 
     - -Contemporary Western Artists by Harold and Peggy Samuels
    -How to Feed a Starving Artist by Miriam Ross Wolf
    -Gray's Sporting Journal, May/June 2000 (cover)
    -The Island Within Us by Isle Royale National History Association
    -Video "Crown Jewls of the Rocky Mountains" by Joe T. and Mary Liz Adair
    -Cowboys & Indians, November 2001
    -American Cowboy, November/December, 2001
    -Images West, 2001
    -"One Day at Teton Marsh", Sally Carrighar (cover)
Organization Membership:

  • -Society of Animal Artists since 1979
    -Rocky Mountain Plein-Air Painters
    -Artists for Conservaton
    -Western Artists of America


Direct Correspondence to:Gregory McHuron
Gregory McHuron
350 E Cottonwood Drive
Jackson, WY
USA 83001-9201
Tel: (307) 733-6210
  Artists for Conservation Group
Email: mchuronstudio@hotmail.com
Home Page: http://www.mchuronstudio@hotmail.com
Gregory McHuron Gregory McHuron

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright 2025 Gregory McHuron - Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation (Formerly the Worldwide Nature Artists Group) www.natureartists.com. This site represents the original artwork
(nature art and wildlife art) of nature artist and wildlife artist
of Gregory McHuron and is protected by international copyright laws.
Use of nature art, wildlife art or any other images or text from this site, requires permission in writing from Gregory McHuron ().

This site is part of the Artists for Conservation (AFC) Web site. (Wildlife Art - Nature Art - Conservation) Artists for Conservation is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to nature art, wildlife art and conservation. On this site you will find world-class nature art and wildlife art by today's leading nature artists & wildlife artists. The AFC site is the Web's premier location for nature art, wildlife artists All content appearing in pages featuring Gregory McHuron is the sole responsibility of Gregory McHuron. The opinions expressed on these artists' pages are those of Gregory McHuron and do not necessarily reflect those of the Artists for Conservation Foundationi (AFC).