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Rebecca LathamRebecca Latham   SAA, AFC, IGOR Rebecca Latham
Watercolor Paintings of Wildlife & Nature In Miniature
Visit Rebecca Latham's Latest Website
The original meaning of the word "miniature", in referring to the classic traditional artform, means to paint very detailed and is not associated with size, smallness, or scale. Often it is referred to as painting "in miniature" in describing traditional miniature painting. As an artist working in that style, she has discussed the topic and studied research of some of the world's leading experts on the subject of miniature painting. Rebecca has also authored numerous articles about the art of miniature for publication. It has been stated that a wall sized work could be painted "in miniature" and in the past there have been a range of sizes of miniature from gigantic to handheld. All of Rebecca's paintings are executed "in miniature".

Growing up in a family drawn to the outdoors, Rebecca has always experienced a closeness to the natural world. With the supportive encouragement of her parents, and finding a talent in art, she chose to focus her future as a painter in her mid teens.

Rebecca's primary goal in her work is to use her work to help the creatures she paints as well as their habitat. She often participates in many wildlife and habitat conservation fundraising events to raise funds and awareness. She spends as much time as possible observing and experiencing the wildlife she paints: "We often take up to 5000 still photographs on a shoot. It is very important that the subject painted is studied from every available angle, as well as it's habits and preferences".

Because of her interest in the biological aspects of wildlife art, her paintings always reflect a personal experience with the species. "For me, the research and fieldwork involved are my favorite, rain or shine. There are many times I have to drag myself back to my studio to paint, as I would much rather spend all of my time outside."

Her style and technique are primarily influenced by her artist family, Karen & Bonnie. After studying many mediums and styles of painting and sculpture, she now works primarily in watercolor using classic Flemish techniques to render her highly detailed paintings after studying with Belgian artist, Carl Brenders.

Rebecca's works range in size from 30" x 40" to 1" x 1" and often are painted on traditional surfaces for miniature painting such as vellum, ivorine (a simulated ivory surface), and board.

The artist is passionate about her art as well as the wildlife that is so predominate in her paintings. She works with organizations for environmental and conservation causes for wildlife, but is also dedicated to the preservation of classic traditional miniature painting and encouraging young artists.

Rebecca has adopted the philosophy of an artist she studied under,
Artist and Naturalist, Robert Bateman - "...'Vive la Difference'...that's what's good about the planet Earth...is that it has variety. Variety is the spice of life. That's what's bad about the trends now on the planet Earth. We're getting this bland "sweetness to the pudding uniformity" all over everything...it's not only boring, it's dangerous..."

Rebecca is represented by her agent Mandala Fine Art/Mandala Wildlife Art in Asia and the Middle East. Licensing and publishing representation by Latham Studios and JQ Licensing.

Support for Conservation:
The artist is passionate about her art as well as the wildlife that is so predominate in her paintings. She works with organizations for environmental and conservation causes for wildlife. Rebecca and her family have donated numerous original paintings and prints for auction and raffle to support North American and international conservation organizations, Raptor rehabilitation centers, nature centers, Zoos, the Safari Club International, and wildlife rescue facilities that care for abused animals.

Rebecca has also performed quick draw paintings (pieces painted in minutes or several hours at an event) to raise thousands of dollars for worthy causes as well.

Her paintings have been featured on US and Canadian conservation stamps as well as featured in the Illinois habitat conservation print program and through Ducks Unlimited. She has also been involved with the USFWS Junior Duck Stamp program.

Additionally, just as Rebecca is dedicated to the preservation of wild lands and the wild creatures that depend on the existence of those places for their survival, the artist is also dedicated to the preservation of true traditional miniature painting in all it's forms, a type of art that has been practiced since early writing. The artist and her family, all working 'in miniature' in their painting, work to raise awareness and education of classic miniature art. The artist is also devoted to encouraging young artists.
Special Achievements:
  • 2015 - Mandala Wildlife Art - inaugural International Wildlife Art Exhibition
    2015 marks the debut of Rebecca's paintings in Asia at Mandala Fine Art/Mandala Wildlife Art's inaugural International Wildlife Art Exhibition at Orchard Gateway with charity partners Shark Savers and World Wildlife Fund Singapore.
    This was the largest exhibition of wildlife art in Asia in 2015 featuring over 200 works by 36 artists from around the world.
  • 2010 - The Realism Guild’s 5th Annual Juried Exhibition - California

  • 2009 - Illinois DNR Habitat Stamp and Print Artist
    "The Illinois Habitat Stamp Program provides funding for critically needed areas in which wildlife can live and reproduce, leading to more outdoor opportunities for Illinois sportsmen. Money generated from print sales is deposited into a specific fund used to preserve, acquire and manage land to improve wildlife habitat."
  • 2008 - People's Choice Award - California Society of Arts in Miniature
    Rebecca was awarded People's Choice in the 2008 annual international exhibition of the California Society of Arts in Miniature (NCSAM).
  • 2008 - 4th World Federation of Miniaturists Exhibition, Tasmania, AU
    (March, 2008) The 4th World Federation of Miniaturists (WFM) exhibition of miniature paintings and sculptures in Burnie on the NW coast of Australia's island state, Tasmania. The exhibition is held at the Burnie Regional Art Gallery, the largest professional exhibition space in northwest Tasmania.
  • 2008 - Robert & Leslie Starke Award - Best Work By A Young Artist
    Rebecca's wildlife painting judged best work by an artist age 35 or younger
    MASF 33rd International Exhibition, Gulf Coast Museum of Art, Largo, Florida
    "Symphony of Light"

    • Rebecca received the same award for her hand held miniature at the MASF 29th International Exhibition, Leepa Rattner Museum of Art, Tarpon Springs, Florida
    "Morning Elegance - Mute Swan"
  • 2008 - American Art in Miniature - Thomas Gilcrease Museum
    "The Museum of the Americas"
    •The artist also exhibited in the AAIM exhibition in 2007, 2006 & 2004.

    "Tulsa's Gilcrease Museum is one of the country's best facilities for the preservation and study of American art and history. The museum's charm, beauty and art collections draw thousands of visitors from around the world to the hills just northwest of downtown Tulsa for a glimpse into the past. Gilcrease Museum houses the world's largest, most comprehensive collection of art and artifacts of the American West. The Museum also offers an unparalleled collection of Native American art and artifacts, as well as historical manuscripts, documents and maps."
  • 2007 - The Wildlife Art Society International's 15th Anniversary Exhibition
    Rebecca's work was a part of the 15th anniversary exhibition held at the "Nature in Art Museum" in Gloucester, England - "the world’s first museum dedicated exclusively to fine, decorative and applied art inspired by nature".

    Rebecca has been exhibiting in her paintings in The Wildlife Art Society since 2005.
  • 2007 - Manny Sullivan Award for Excellence & Second in Show
    Rebecca's wildlife painting awarded second in show for her wildlife painting, "Calm", at the international Miniature Painters, Sculptors, & Gravers Society exhibition in Washington, D.C. for the second year in a row. Rebecca's other two paintings in the exhibition were awarded first place in 'birds & animals' and first place in 'watermedia'.

    •In 2006 Rebecca was awarded the same honor for "Bashful, Mute Swan"

  • 2007 - Illinois DNR Habitat Stamp and Print Artist
    "The Illinois Habitat Stamp Program provides funding for critically needed areas in which wildlife can live and reproduce, leading to more outdoor opportunities for Illinois sportsmen. Money generated from print sales is deposited into a specific fund used to preserve, acquire and manage land to improve wildlife habitat."
  • 2007 - The National Exhibition of Wildlife Art, United Kingdom
    Rebecca and the other artists in her family are the first Americans to show in the NEWA exhibition.

    "The National Exhibition of Wildlife Art is an open annual exhibition based in the North of England.

    NEWA was conceived in 1994 by a group of artists interested in depicting wildlife, with conservation as one of their underlying concerns. A donation from the exhibition is made each year to wildlife causes such as the Wildfowl & Wetland Trust and The Wirral Barn Owl Trust. The exhibition is staged at Gordale Garden Centre which attracts a constant stream of visitors, over 12,000 to our 2007 show. Our new website attracted an overwhelming 12,272 visitors who viewed over 190,000 pages. The website received excellent reviews, calling it the best on line gallery of 2007."
  • 2007 - Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors & Gravers, London
    Five of Rebecca's hand held miniatures were juried into the RMS exhibition at the Mall Galleries in London. The artist was also a part of the 2004 RMS exhibition.

    "The Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors & Gravers was founded in 1896 by Alyn Williams who was the first President, a position he occupied until 1898, and then again from 1908 until 1941. King Edward VII granted the Royal Charter in 1905. In 1926 the RMS extended its welcome to other forms of miniature art.

    The Society's Aims are to Esteem, Protect and Practice the traditional 16th Century art of miniature painting emphasizing the infinite patience needed for its fine techniques."
  • 2006 - Arts for the Parks Mini 100
    Rebecca's artwork was featured in the Arts for the Parks Mini 100, along with her family's paintings, since 2004.

    Created in 1986 by the National Park Academy of the Arts, works for the ARTS FOR THE PARKS Top 100 and Mini 100 exhibits are selected by renowned jurors. Awards and the prestige of being a top artist in this renowned competition, draw artists from all over the world. The winners are chosen from over 2,000 entries. The winners are represented in an exhibition of paintings from what has been called "the richest art competition in our nation's history."
  • 2006 - Minnesota Ducks Unlimited Artist of the Year
    Rebecca, her sister, Bonnie, and Mother, Karen, were all chosen, in three consecutive years, to be named "Minnesota Ducks Unlimited Artist of the Year". Each of their artworks were published as the MN Ducks Unlimited Sponsor Print and raised funds for conservation and the preservation of wildlife.

    "The vision of Ducks Unlimited is wetlands sufficient to fill the skies with waterfowl today, tomorrow and forever.

    Ducks Unlimited conserves, restores and manages wetlands and associated habitats for North America's waterfowl. These habitats also benefit other wildlife and people.

    The core values and guiding principles of Ducks Unlimited's team of staff and volunteers are:
    Conserve North America's waterfowl and wetlands, treating people and wildlife with respect, science-based decisions, work together as volunteers and staff, value and enjoy the sport and heritage of hunting, partner with those who share common goals and values, commit at least 80 percent of our resources to conservation, and celebrate the culture of DU as we serve our members."
  • 2005 - National Mentoring Month Artist
    Rebecca was commissioned by Harvard University to create artwork for the National Mentoring Month program, "Who Mentored You?".
  • 2005 - Popular Exhibit Award - Hilliard Society of Miniaturists
    Two of Rebecca's wildlife paintings in the Hilliard Society of Miniaturists exhibition in Wells, Somerset, UK tied for the most popular exhibit award/people's choice.
  • 2004 - Northeastern Minnesota Book Award - Non-fiction
    Rebecca co-illustrated the award winning children's book "V is for Viking - a Minnesota Alphabet" with her mother Karen. The Northeastern Minnesota Book Award was chosen from 18 nominated books.

    "The Northeastern Minnesota Book Award (NEMBA) is given annually to honor books that best represent northeastern Minnesota's history, culture, heritage, or lifestyle. The award is co-sponsored by the Friends of the Duluth Public Library and by the UMD Library. NEMBA recognizes books about northeastern Minnesota that substantially represent its history, culture, heritage, or lifestyle."
  • 2004 - WFM Exhibition, Smithsonian's Ripley Center, Washington, DC
    Rebecca's artwork was featured in this exhibit of miniature art in the Smithsonian

    The Smithsonian Institution - the world's largest museum complex and research organization composed of 19 museums and 9 research centers. Visit the Smithsonian in person or online and you will see why it represents for so many the treasured icons of our past, the vibrant art of the present, and the scientific promise of the future.

    "In July 2004, the MPSGS and the Smithsonian Institution hosted the Third Exhibition of Fine Art in Miniature of the World Federation of Miniaturists (WFM), which was held at the Smithsonian's Ripley Center in Washington, DC."
  • 2004 - Minnesota Book Award Finalist - Children's Non-fiction
    Rebecca co-illustrated the award winning children's book "V is for Viking - a Minnesota Alphabet" with her mother Karen. The book was one of only five finalists selected by the Minnesota Book Award committee.

    "The Minnesota Book Awards is a Capital City project, led by The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library, in consortium with the Saint Paul Public Library and the Mayor’s office in the City of Saint Paul. Outreach partners for the Book Awards include the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA), the
    Minnesota Library Association (MLA), and the Minnesota Department of Education - State Library Services."

  • 2004 - "Rowland Hilder Shield" British Society of Miniaturists
    Grand Prize, British Society of Miniaturists Summer Exhibition, Ilkly, West Yorkshire, England

    "The shield is presented annually to the artist who, in the opinion of the society, has painted over the past year, the watercolor paintings which are the most evocative of the true British watercolor tradition. This prize is presented in memory of the great master of English watercolor landscape, Rowland Hilder OBE."
  • 2003 - Tuck Stone Memorial Best of Show
    Southern Wildlife Festival
    Best of Show | First Place-"Feather" Div | Second Place-"Fur" Div
    Calhoun College | Decatur, AL
    "A Quiet Moment - Mute Swan" (18x24)

  • 2003 - 7th Place - US Federal Duck Stamp Competition & Tour
    "Since 1934, the sales of Federal Duck Stamps have generated more than $670 million, which has been used to help purchase or lease over 5.2 million acres of waterfowl habitat in the U.S. These lands are now protected in the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s National Wildlife Refuge System."
  • 2003 - Canadian Conservation Stamp, Manitoba
    Rebecca's artwork is featured on the 2003 Manitoba habitat stamp for conservation.
  • 2003 - Minnesota Wild Turkey Stamp, MN Department of Natural Resources
    The Minnesota DNR chose Rebecca's watercolor painting "Springtime Gobblers" for the MN Wild Turkey Stamp. She is the first woman to earn the honor and did so at the age of 22.

    "The Minnesota Wild Turkey Stamp was authorized by the 1996 Minnesota Legislature at the request of turkey hunters. Stamp sales generate revenue for wild turkey management and research. Anyone 18 and older must possess the $5 stamp to hunt turkeys. Revenues from stamp sales are dedicated to the development, restoration, maintenance and preservation of wild turkey habitat in Minnesota."
  • 2002 - Best of Show, Florida Wildlife & Western Expositon
    Judged best miniature painting at the international exhibition of wildlife art, the Florida Wildlife & Western Expositon in Lakeland, FL.
  • 2001 - Featured on the Environmental Journal, Minnesota State Lottery
    "The Environmental Journal is a cable TV program promoting environmental issues supported by the Minnesota lottery. The television program is seen on some commercial stations, it and aired on public access cable stations."
  • 2001 - Featured guest on Ron Schara's Minnesota Bound on NBC affiliate KARE 11 in Minneapolis, Minnesota
    "Ron Schara's award-winning television magazine show Minnesota Bound delivers the heart and spirit of the outdoors. Ron's soft spoken but direct delivery and appealing on-camera presence create a personality akin to some of America's favorite television journalists. He's been called the Charles Kuralt of the outdoors.

    Minnesota Bound features an entertaining mix of stories about people who enjoy the great outdoors. Together with the star of the show - Raven, his lovable Labrador retriever - Ron introduces viewers to the many faces of Minnesota's outdoors."
  • 2001 - First Place Small Works & People's Choice Award
    6th Annual Sulpher Springs Valley National Miniature & Small Works Show
    Wilcox, AZ
  • 2001 - El Dorado Award (Gallery Choice)
    Twentieth Annual Miniature Juried Art Show
    Colorado Springs, CO
  • 2001 - Featured at the Frances Jacques Master exhibit at the James Ford Bell Museum at the University of Minnesota
    Rebecca and her family were featured artists at the Frances Jacques Master exhibit at the James Ford Bell Museum of Natural History at the University of Minnesota. The family painted (demonstrations) in the museum and participated in discussions.

    " The Bell Museum explores life’s diversity, deepening individual understanding and appreciation of the natural world through education, collections, and research.

    The James Ford Bell Museum of Natural History was established by state legislative mandate in 1872 to collect, preserve, skillfully prepare, display, and interpret our state's diverse animal and plant life for scholarly research and teaching and for public appreciation, enrichment, and enjoyment. Its governance belongs, by state legislative designation, to the University of Minnesota."
  • 2000 - Kentucky National Wildlife Art Exhibit
    Rebecca's work was selected by Robert Koenke of Wildlife Art Magazine as one of the 85 chosen for the 2000 Kentucky National Wildlife Art Exhibit, a biennial exhibit and competition honoring John James Audubon, a former resident of Henderson , Kentucky. Her painting was selected as one of the 25 pieces in the traveling exhibit.
  • 1998 - Federal Junior Duck Stamp 2nd Place National Winner
    Rebecca was awarded runner-up in the US Fish and Wildlife Service's Federal Junior Duck Stamp program and was honored in Washington, D.C. for her achievement at the National Press Club, Smithsonian, Department of the Interior, and other locations as well as having her work included on the national tour.

    "The Junior Duck Stamp Conservation and Design Program is a dynamic, art and science program designed to teach wetlands habitat and waterfowl conservation to students in kindergarten through high school. The program guides students, using scientific and wildlife observation principles, to communicate visually what they have learned through an entry into the Junior Duck Stamp art contest. This non-traditional pairing of subjects brings new interest to both the sciences and the arts. It crosses cultural, ethnic, social, and geographic boundaries to teach greater awareness of our nation's natural resources."

    • Rebecca was also awarded "Best of Show" in Minnesota in 1998 and had been awarded honors in previous years.
  • Additional Achievements:
    Past Awards, Exhibitions, and Achievements
    A full listing of achievements, awards, and exhibitions.

  • 2010 - Private Collections
    Rebecca's artworks are included in many privately owned collections of works across the United States, Canada, England, France, Scotland, Australia, Germany, and the Middle East.
  • 2008 - NatureWorks

  • 2008 - Illinois Department of Natural Resources
    "Our mission is to manage, protect and sustain Illinois' natural and cultural resources; provide resource-compatible recreational opportunities and to promote natural resource-related issues for the public's safety and education."

  • 2008 - Butler Institute of American Art
    The Butler Institute is the first museum of American art. The original structure, dedicated in 1919, is a McKim, Mead and White architectural masterpiece listed on the National Register of Historic places. The museum's mission is to preserve and collect works of art in all media created by citizens of our country. The Institute's holdings now exceed 20,000 individual works, and the Butler is known worldwide as "America's Museum."

  • 2007 - The Hartford
    "Founded in 1810, The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (NYSE: HIG) is one of the largest investment and insurance companies based in the United States, with offices in Japan, Brazil, Ireland, England, Canada, and the United States."
  • 2006 - Illinois Department of Natural Resources
    "Our mission is to manage, protect and sustain Illinois' natural and cultural resources; provide resource-compatible recreational opportunities and to promote natural resource-related issues for the public's safety and education."
  • 2004 - Miniature Art Society of Florida Permanent Collection
    "Morning Elegance - Mute Swan" (4x6)
    The Miniature Art Society of Florida's permanent collection of nearly 100 pieces may be seen at the Clearwater East Library and is placed on display each year at the annual International Show. In 1989 it traveled to select Suncoast locations of Fortune Bank. Additionally, during the same year MASF artists donated 10 paintings to the city of Clearwater for presentation by Mayor Rita Garvey to its Sister City, Nagano, Japan.
  • 2002 - Wildlife Art Magazine (Ownership)
    "Wildlife Art is the most widely recognized, award winning journal for information about art and artists depicting the natural world, including wildlife, Western, Southwestern, Indian, landscapes and more. Readers are treated to a wide array of subjects including a myriad of artistic media, the masters and new artists, regional and national art shows, and collectibles."
  • 2002 - Carpenter Nature Center

  • 2001 - Regina Medical Center
    "The Regina Medical Center is a rapidly growing organization dedicated to excellent customer service, respect for human life and promotion of the health of the whole person." The hospital exhibits a collection of original paintings by the artist that are in their permanent collection.
  • 1999 - Hastings Public Library

  • 1998 - City of Hastings

  • MASF - Miniature Art Society of Florida Exhibition Catalog (2008)
    More about MASF - Miniature Art Society of Florida Exhibition Catalog
    Artist - The artist's painting "Morning Elegance" was purchased for the society's permanent collection upon Rebecca's debut in the society's exhibition in 2004. The artist has been featured in the MASF exhibition catalogs from that point forward. Rebecca has been highlighted since for honors earned in the exhibition as well.
    Author: MASF
    Published by: MASF
  • Who's Who in Art 33rd Edition (2008)
    Invitation of inclusion - bio/information listed - Artists exhibiting and/or represented in the United Kingdom  - Who's Who in Art, over 1000 page hardcover, is compiled from information personally provided by the artists and writers concerned, and it includes details about many outstanding exponents of art whose biographical details are unobtainable elsewhere. A great deal of material has been compiled with the assistance of leading artists' clubs and societies and publishers of art books in Britain and the Commonwealth. Special features add to the book's value: contact information and histories of leading British organizations i the arts; appendices featuring artists' monograms and signatures; and an obituary section. Who's Who in Art adds interest and understanding to your visits of exhibitions of contemporary art, facilitates your perusal of current commentary and reproductions of the art of our time, and enables you to appreciate more fully the artists behind the pictures.

    The publication has been compiled with the assistance of all leading academies, societies, artists’ clubs, galleries, art fairs and publishers of art books in Britain. Published since 1927. Rebecca was nominated for inclusion by the Hilliard Society of Miniaturists in the United Kingdom.

    Author: Charles Baile de Laperriere
    Published by: Hilmarton Manor Press
  • A 24/7 Family Affair - All in the Family (2008)
    More about A 24/7 Family Affair - All in the Family
    Feature article about the Latham family of artists. - "Wildlife Art is the most widely recognized, award winning journal for information about art and artists depicting the natural world, including wildlife, Western, Southwestern, Indian, landscapes and more. Readers are treated to a wide array of subjects including a myriad of artistic media, the masters and new artists, regional and national art shows, and collectibles."
    Published by: Wildlife Art Magazine
  • MPSGS - Miniature Painters, Sculptors, & Gravers Society of Washington, D.C. (2008)
    More about MPSGS - Miniature Painters, Sculptors, & Gravers Society of Washington, D.C.
    Artist - The artist earned her first honors in 2004 and has been featured in society exhibition catalogs form that point forward. The artist has been highlighted since for awards earned in the exhibition.
    Author: MPSGS
    Published by: MPSGS
  • Texture Dilemma - Surfaces in Miniature Painting (2007)
    More about Texture Dilemma - Surfaces in Miniature Painting
    Author - Article addressing surfaces in traditional miniature painting.
    Author: Rebecca Latham
  • 7 Tips for Artists - How to Paint Miniature Art (2007)
    More about 7 Tips for Artists - How to Paint Miniature Art
    Author - Tips for artists interested in painting traditional miniature paintings. The publication is designed to be brief and informative.
    Author: Rebecca Latham
  • SAA - Society of Animal Artists Exhibition Catalog (2007)
    More about SAA - Society of Animal Artists Exhibition Catalog
    Artist - Rebecca's artwork, featured in the SAA's exhibition and the national museum tour, is published in the show catalog.
    Author: SAA
    Published by: SAA
  • What is Miniature Art? (2007)
    More about What is Miniature Art?
    Written by Rebecca Latham, an artist who practices the art of miniature in today's modern art market along with her family. - Publication describes what miniature art is and it's foundations in early cultures.

    There is often a misconception that a miniature painting must be small, or even that an image's surface or subjects must meet a technical requirement to be "traditional miniature". This publication helps to add clarity to the subject of miniature painting and where the art came from.

    The writing is based on research of today's leading experts in miniature art world wide.
    Author: Rebecca Latham
  • Marwell Wildlife Art Society Exhibition Catalog (2007)
    More about Marwell Wildlife Art Society Exhibition Catalog
    Artist - Rebecca and her family are featured in the society's art exhibition catalog since 2006.

    The group is the largest wildlife art society in Europe, with members from all over the UK. We also have members from the Netherlands, Botswana, France, Italy, Greece, Spain, USA, Australia and South Africa.

    Since forming in 1999, MIWAS have donated over £50,000 towards Marwell's ongoing work with endangered species.

    Rebecca and her family are the first American members of MIWAS.
    Published by: Marwell Wildlife Art Society
  • Wildscape Magazine - "Get Up and Go!" (2006)
    More about Wildscape Magazine - "Get Up and Go!"
    Artist, feature interview - "Professional artists tell us how they get themselves motivated to paint on a regular day-by-day basis." Special feature in the international magazine about wildlife art and conservation based in the United Kingdom.
    Author: Ken Stroud
    Published by: Darwin Publishing
  • Marwell Wildlife Art Society Magazine (2006)
    More about Marwell Wildlife Art Society Magazine
    Artist - The Latham family was featured in a center fold article in the society's magazine. Rebecca and her family are the first US members of MIWAS.

    "The group is the largest wildlife art society in Europe, with members from all over the UK. We also have members from the Netherlands, Botswana, France, Italy, Greece, Spain, USA, Australia and South Africa.

    Since forming in 1999, MIWAS have donated over £50,000 towards Marwell's ongoing work with endangered species"
    Published by: Marwell Wildlife Art Society
  • Wildscape Magazine (2006)
    More about Wildscape Magazine
    Artist, feature interview - International magazine about wildlife art and conservation based in the United Kingdom. The Latham family and their miniature paintings of wildlife were published in a feature article in the magazine.
    Author: Ken Stroud
    Published by: Darwin Publishing
  • "The Lathams Live, Work, Paint Together" InformArt Magazine (2005)
    More about "The Lathams Live, Work, Paint Together" InformArt Magazine
    Artist, feature interview - "Karen, Rebecca, & Bonnie Latham, the mother-daughter team of wildlife artists share not just a home, as studio, and a career, but most of their free time doing what they love best: exploring the outdoors and nurturing their love of nature."
    Author: J. Rose Steward
    Published by: InformArt Magazine
  • "Like Mother, Like Daughter" Sketchbook Magazine (2005)
    More about "Like Mother, Like Daughter" Sketchbook Magazine
    Artist/feature interview - "Artist’s Sketchbook was launched in the winter of 2001 as a special release from F+W Publications, Inc. and the editors of The Artist’s Magazine. It’s mission? To be a reader’s “personal guide to discovering the artist within.” Artist’s Sketchbook is a regular, bi-monthly magazine available on the newsstand or by subscription. Each issue is a creativity “refueling station” with a range of articles, artist profiles, museum tours, art-making ideas and demonstrations, and creativity exercises."
    Published by: F&W Publications
  • P is for Passport - a World Alphabet (2003)
    Co-illustrator - Children's book about wildlife, people, and places of the world.
    Author: Scillian
    Published by: Sleeping Bear Press/Gale Group
  • V is for Viking - a Minnesota Alphabet (2003)
    Co-illustrator - Award winning children's book about wildlife, people, and places in Minnesota.
    Author: Wargin
    Published by: Sleeping Bear Press/Gale Group
  • Women Artists Tout Artistic Parity (2002)
    More about Women Artists Tout Artistic Parity
    Artist, feature interview (Rebecca's sister, Bonnie, and Mother, Karen, were also included in this publication) - Women artists in the field of wildlife art.

    "Wildlife Art is the most widely recognized, award winning journal for information about art and artists depicting the natural world, including wildlife, Western, Southwestern, Indian, landscapes and more. Readers are treated to a wide array of subjects including a myriad of artistic media, the masters and new artists, regional and national art shows, and collectibles."
    Author: Susan Hallsten McGarry
    Published by: Wildlife Art
  • Generation Next (2000)
     - Six artists poised to have an impact on a maturing print market. (Rebecca's sister, Bonnie was also included in this publication)
    Author: Alicia Fredorczak
    Published by: US Art Magazine
  • Limited Edition Canvas & Paper Giclée Prints 
    More about Limited Edition Canvas & Paper Giclée Prints
     - Over 100 reproductions of paintings by the Lathams are available for purchase from the artists' website. Visit the Wild Bird Collection, Wild Animal Collection, or Nature Collection to see images that are available in print or for licensing. Prints may also be purchased online in the online print catalog.
    Author: Karen, Rebecca, & Bonnie Latham
    Published by: Latham Studios - Wildlife Art
Organization Membership:
  • 2008 - The Cecilia Beaux Forum
    Rebecca & her mother Karen joined The Cecilia Beaux Forum in May, 2008.

    The Cecilia Beaux Forum was formed in order to strengthen the role of women artists by providing programs and resources to enhance the quality and the public's knowledge and appreciation of their work.
  • 2008 - Untamed Artist Network (UAN)
    Rebecca and the other artists in her family received inviations to join as Core Members of the UAN in April, 2008.

    "Amazing artwork by passionate wildlife artists from across the globe, united by the common goal of highlighting conservation through our art.

    The member of the network actively support various wildlife and conservation funds through the sale of their works, giving back to the subjects that inspire them in the hope that future generations will have the chance to witness the amazing diversity of animals that are fighting for their survival."
  • 2008 - American Watercolor Society (AWS)
    Rebecca and the other artists in her family became members of the AWS in April, 2008.

    "The American Watercolor Society is a non-profit membership organization that began in 1866 to promote the art of watercolor painting in America.

    Each year the Society holds a juried exhibition of watercolors from artists throughout the world."
  • 2008 - Portrait Society of America (PSOA)
    Rebecca and her mother Karen became members of the PSOA in April, 2008.

    "The purpose of the Portrait Society is to foster and enhance an understanding of the practice, techniques and applications of traditional fine art portraiture and figurative works. The activities undertaken by the corporation are educational in nature. Our projects will increase the aesthetic and technical knowledge for the practicing artist, the aspiring amateur, student artist as well as the general public."

  • 2008 - Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club (CLWAC)
    Rebecca and the other artists in her family became members of the CLWAC in January, 2008.

    A national organization to show and promote works by professional women artists, founded in 1896. The Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, CLWAC, has been supportive of women artists for over one hundred years. The club is very proud of the high standard of quality and respect that our members have in the art world.
  • 2008 - The Allied Artists of America (AAA)
    Rebecca and the other artists in her family became members of the AAA in January, 2008.

    Founded in New York City in the year 1914 to the present, the Allied Artists of America, Inc. will continue to achieve its goal of furthering the cause of contemporary American artists. Allied Artists of America, Inc. is a non-profit National Art Society composed of artists & sculptors from across the country. The offices and exhibition galleries are both located at the elegant historical landmark, The National Arts Club.
  • 2008 - International Guild of Realism (IGOR)
    Membership in the International Guild of Realism is by invitation only. Rebecca and her mother Karen were elected to the society in January, 2008.

    "Our mission is to advance realism in fine art through museum exhibitions, art gallery shows, workshops, education programs, marketing support and Internet exposure.

    For us, “realism” ranges from classical realism (based upon the traditional, academic-style painting techniques) to contemporary realism (where cutting edge techniques and subject matter are used to comment on today’s world). Trompe l’oeil, photorealism, surrealism, and super-realism are some of the genres included within the range of realism choices for modern artists, as well.

    The International Guild of Realism was founded by a group of leading professional realism artists from around the globe in 2002 with four goals:

    • Recognizing the best realists working today
    • Creating exhibition opportunities
    • Providing technical and promotional support
    • To offer a bridge between art collectors and the highest quality realist art, created by our members

    It’s all based upon the proven belief that the more art lovers of the world have access to high-quality realism, the greater the value these paintings will have. Value not just in monetary terms, but in appreciation, understanding and international attention.

    For art collectors, we create juried exhibitions in museums and galleries that span as many aspects of realism as possible so that they can see the panorama of international work in this field in one show. For museums, we curate themed exhibitions that provide a snapshot of where realism is today. For fellow artists, we provide information about workshops conducted by members and magazine features about realism techniques so that the quality of the art form continues to improve around the world.

    It’s all based upon one simple premise: The more realism artists succeed in the competitive art world, the greater the benefit to the art lovers of the world."

  • 2007 - Miniature Painters Sculptors & Gravers Society of Washington, D.C. (MPSGS)
    Membership in the Miniature Painters Sculptors & Gravers Society of Washington, D.C. is by invitation only. Rebecca was elected to the society in 2007.

    "The Miniature Painters, Sculptors & Gravers Society of Washington, DC, (MPSGS) was founded in 1931 by Alyn Williams (1865-1941), a well-known portrait miniaturist. The MPSGS is the oldest Miniature Art Society in the U.S. It is the second oldest in the world next to the Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers in London, England--the world's first Miniature Art Society also founded by Mr. Williams. The Inaugural Exhibition of the MPSGS of Washington, DC, was held at the Corcoran Gallery of Art in December 1931. The Society has held exhibitions annually for 71 years with the exception of the years 1932 and 1942.

    The object of the Society from its inception has been to encourage and stimulate public interest in art in miniature. "
  • 2007 - Cider Painters of America (CPA)
    Miniature art society based in PA. Membership is by invitation only.
  • 2007 - Hilliard Society of Miniaturists (HS)
    Rebecca is an elected signature member of the Hilliard Society of Miniaturists.

    "The declared aim of the society, to encourage greater recognition of this art form with an appreciation of its history and of its contemporary development and to bring it to the wider attention of all artists and to the public. The society was formed in 1981."
  • 2005 - The Wildlife Art Society International (TWASI)
    "The Wildlife Art Society was founded in 1992 with the purpose of promoting a greater appreciation of the wildlife art genre, the animals, plants and wild places which provide the stimulus and inspiration for all such work. The Society acts as a forum for wildlife artists, providing opportunities for them to share their common interests and raise their individual profiles through Society exhibitions and other events. The Society also focuses members' attention on the activities in the national and international wildlife art arena."
  • 2005 - Marwell International Wildlife Art Society (MIWAS)
    "The group is the largest wildlife art society in Europe, with members from all over the UK. We also have members from the Netherlands, Botswana, France, Italy, Greece, Spain, USA, Australia and South Africa.

    The MIWAS annual summer exhibition of wildlife art is in August and entry is open to all members. This show is currently the largest annual exhibition of wildlife art in Europe with nearly 700 exhibits displayed.

    Since forming in 1999, MIWAS have donated over £50,000 towards Marwell's ongoing work with endangered species"

    Rebecca and her family are the first American members of MIWAS.
  • 2004 - British Society of Miniaturists (BSM)
    British Society of Miniaturists is one of the 3 British fine art societies that form the International Guild of Artists organization. The miniature society's exhibitions are held jointly with the British Watercolour Society making them the largest exhibitions of original paintings in Great Britain. The exhibition is sponsored by 'Yorkshire Television' and 'The Mail on Sunday'. The society was founded in May of 1895 in London.
    Rebecca was elected a full member of the British Society of Miniaturists. She and her Mother Karen are the first "International Members" of the Society.
  • 2003 - Artists for Conservation (AFC)
    Membership in Artists for Conservation is by invitation only. Rebecca and other artists in her family were elected to the society in 2003.

    World leading online source for collectors of wildlife art and nature art. Browse buy and collect wildlife and nature art including western and native art work by leading painters photographers carvers and sculptors at the Worldwide Nature Artists Group - a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the nature and wildlife art community worldwide.
  • 2002 - Society of Animal Artists (SAA)
    Rebecca is an elected signature member of the Society of Animal Artists.

    The Society of Animal Artists is an association of animal and wildlife painters and sculptors. Founded in 1960, the Society is devoted to promoting excellence in the portrayal of the creatures sharing our planet, and to the education of the public through its informative art seminars, lectures and teaching demonstrations. Some of the finest animal artists from the United States, Canada, Europe, Africa, Japan, and Australia are represented in the Society's membership.
    Over the past 40 years the work created by these artists has established new standards of artistic excellence and respect, helping animal and wildlife art to achieve a place of honor in the field of fine art.
  • 1999 - Miniature Art Society of Florida (MASF)
    The miniature art society of Florida, founded in Clearwater in 1974, encourages artists to become involved in the exciting world of miniaturism in the global resurgence of interest in the ancient art form of miniature painting and sculpture. It seeks to broaden the awareness of the public and collectors to the delicate beauty and refinement of this venerable art form. Its scholarship efforts assist talented young artists of the future.
  • 1999 - World Federation of Miniaturists (WFM)
    The World Federation of Miniaturists was formed in 1995 as a loosely structured organisation of miniature art groups, united by a common purpose - expanding global participation, the understanding of, and support for miniature art.

    The artist has participated in the 3rd & 4th World Exhibitions in the Smithsonian International Gallery - Washington, D.C., and Tasmania, AU


Direct Correspondence to:Rebecca Latham
Rebecca Latham
c/o Latham Studios
11203 Saint Croix Trail South
Hastings, MN
USA 55033
Tel: 651-438-9944
  Artists for Conservation Group
Email: rebecca@lathamstudios.com
Home Page: Rebecca Latham's Latest Website
Rebecca Latham Rebecca Latham

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright 2024 Rebecca Latham - Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation (Formerly the Worldwide Nature Artists Group) www.natureartists.com. This site represents the original artwork
(nature art and wildlife art) of nature artist and wildlife artist
of Rebecca Latham and is protected by international copyright laws.
Use of nature art, wildlife art or any other images or text from this site, requires permission in writing from Rebecca Latham (Latham Studios).

This site is part of the Artists for Conservation (AFC) Web site. (Wildlife Art - Nature Art - Conservation) Artists for Conservation is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to nature art, wildlife art and conservation. On this site you will find world-class nature art and wildlife art by today's leading nature artists & wildlife artists. The AFC site is the Web's premier location for nature art, wildlife artists All content appearing in pages featuring Rebecca Latham is the sole responsibility of Rebecca Latham. The opinions expressed on these artists' pages are those of Rebecca Latham and do not necessarily reflect those of the Artists for Conservation Foundationi (AFC).