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Valentin KatrandzhievValentin Katrandzhiev   AFC Valentin Katrandzhiev
Fine Art, Acrylic Painting and Photography
Visit Valentin Katrandzhiev's Latest Website
As a child of four or five I was playing in the school yard. I remember a warm sunny spring day gazing at the blue sky when a flock of white storks flew over my head. I was fascinated by these birds soaring in the blue sky bathed in sunlight. I will never forget that moment. As a child I was intensely curious about all living things and would study for hours, flowers, birds and insects. I would stare for hours at the miniature world of tiny flies, grasshoppers and butterflies. I began to study birds. At a very early age I can remember studying their nests in the tile roof of my home. Even then I realized that there were two kinds of sparrows and learned the difference in their eggs. As I grew I came across a book about hunting and it was illustrated with ink animal drawings. I started re drawing them in pencil. I remember drawing a fox brilliantly, a masterpiece! Many years later I came across the drawing with much laughter. But to me as a child there was never a better drawing of a fox. Later, at school every day I would wander around outdoors at recess. Collecting insects I would then research to find out their names both in Bulgarian and Latin. I made a taxidermy collection that was donated to the school to further educate my classmates. I also began to study birds with much love. It was so difficult to determine the types of birds. Identifiying material was scare to me. As much as possible I bought every book I could find on birds. I read everything I could get my hands on. I was thirsty for knowledge. I grew up with the works of Bernhard Gzhimek and Gerald Durrell.
This childhood passion is reflected in my adult life. I am inspired through my deep respect and love for nature to paint and photograph on a daily basis. As well, I have chosen to be a field scientist studying the migratory patterns of birds in Southeast Europe. I work contracted by the Bulgarian government monitoring migrations each spring and fall. This requires long hours in the field studying and documenting every bird group that travels past my position. The compensation is more spiritual than financial but it is where I belong.

Support for Conservation:
As a child I went to workshops on Nature Conservation, Zoology and Photography. I also began as a child and still to this day keep a daily journal of observations of nature. Almost daily I could be found in the wetland areas around our town studying birds nests, mapping individual species. Feeling almost like a guardian I was there so regularly. I met almost all of the ornithologists who at that time were tracking the migratory patterns of birds. It was from this that the idea was born to form an organization. In 1988 this became reality when the group received registration with the government. This was the beginning of the group "Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds", BSPB. I have been a founding member of BSPB and am still actively involved with this volunteer organization. The BSPB is a leading NGO in the field of conservation in Bulgaria and are often involved with hours of volunteer efforts related to protecting the bird species and their habitats. Related to this organization I have been involved with the following.

Since 1997 I have monitored the wintering Red Breasted Geese as a volunteer. I have also volunteered guarding the incubation of the Eastern Imperial Eagle. I participate with educational programs teaching children in the towns, of Dobrich, Kavarna and Duranhulak. Many years I have spent doing research in Northeastern Bulgaria studying the Red Footed Falcon, the Great Bustard and Saker Falcon. In all of these towns along the Black Sea Coast I have organized and participated in the collection of waste. From 2003 until now, I participate in tracking bird migration and completing nesting bird surveys during the winter months.
Communicating with nature inspires me to paint. It is my hope that what I paint on the canvas I can share what I have experienced with others. Then it is my desire that they are inspired by what I have painted to discover nature for themselves or experience for a moment through my art, the wonder of nature. To know, to love and care about it's preservation.

Special Achievements:
  • 2014 - Artist For Conservation 2014 Annual Exhibit
    This year I was honored to participate in the 2014 Annual Exhibit at Grouse Mountain and subsequent travel show beginning in Vancouver, British Columbia and culminating in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, February 2015. The painting "The Edge of the Forest" was selected. Also, I was also honored to be a part of their virtual exhibit and annual book publication with a second painting entitled "The Little Gull". I would like to thank the AFC organization for their inclusion of my work in both of these exhibits.
Organization Membership:

Direct Correspondence to:Valentin Katrandzhiev
Valentin Katrandzhiev
Boulevard March 3, № 45 ent.B fl.3 ap.8
Dobrich 9300, 
  Artists for Conservation Group
Email: katrandzhiev65@gmail.com
Home Page: Valentin Katrandzhiev's Latest Website
Valentin Katrandzhiev Valentin Katrandzhiev

All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright 2025 Valentin Katrandzhiev - Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation (Formerly the Worldwide Nature Artists Group) www.natureartists.com. This site represents the original artwork
(nature art and wildlife art) of nature artist and wildlife artist
of Valentin Katrandzhiev and is protected by international copyright laws.
Use of nature art, wildlife art or any other images or text from this site, requires permission in writing from Valentin Katrandzhiev ().

This site is part of the Artists for Conservation (AFC) Web site. (Wildlife Art - Nature Art - Conservation) Artists for Conservation is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to nature art, wildlife art and conservation. On this site you will find world-class nature art and wildlife art by today's leading nature artists & wildlife artists. The AFC site is the Web's premier location for nature art, wildlife artists All content appearing in pages featuring Valentin Katrandzhiev is the sole responsibility of Valentin Katrandzhiev. The opinions expressed on these artists' pages are those of Valentin Katrandzhiev and do not necessarily reflect those of the Artists for Conservation Foundationi (AFC).