Born and raised BC Wildlife Artist Lynn Erikson (formally Pocklington) has explored the rugged nature and native wildlife of BC and the Alberta Rockies for many years. These experiences have greatly contributed to her vibrant watercolours and bold acrylics. Lynn continues to be inspired by her ongoing love of bears and invites you to embark on a journey into the life of the Grizzly Bear.
In 2009, Lynn spent several days exploring part of Canada’s only Grizzly Bear Sanctuary in the Khutzeymateen Valley north of Prince Rupert. There, Lynn experienced first hand the incredible true nature of the Grizzly Bear.
Lynn has now begun a new journey of tropical wildlife from the jungles of Central America. With this new inspiration she is taking an intimate look at the spectacular bird life there. Lynn's latest piece entitled Blue and Yellow Macaw illustrates a close personal look at the character of this beautiful endangered bird. Lynn's hope is to share her experiences of the emotions and antics of these highly intelligent and cheeky birds.
Lynn is an active member of the Federation of Canadian Artists, Whistler Art Council, and past Vice Chair of the Pemberton Art council. She donates to and participates in various charities and events.
In 2010, Lynn was commissioned by the Resort Municipality of Whistler to produce a piece called Tender Moments, for the 2010 Olympic gift project for presentations to visiting delegates, one of whom was Prince Andrew of England.
Her work is sold internationally and she takes private commissions upon approval.
Organization Membership:
- 2006 - Pemberton Arts Council
In early 2006, a group of over 45 local artists with great visions decided that an art based establishment needed to happen in Pemberton. With all our diverse strengths we founded the Pemberton Arts Council, a non-profit organization with a mandate to create an environment for the advancement of the arts in our community.
- 2004 - Federation of Canadian Artists
The Federation of Canadian Artists (FCA) was founded in 1941 by a group of Canadian artists, including the Group of Seven luminary, Lawren Harris. The FCA continues to operate as a registered not for profit society with Chapters throughout Canada. The FCA is dedicated to raising artistic standards by stimulating participants to greater heights of knowledge and achievement by offering what is believed to be the first completely artists sponsored gallery and workshop studio in Canada.
- 2003 - Whistler Art Council
The Whistler Arts Council (WAC) is a registered charity established in 1982 with a mandate to build and integrate arts into the fabric of the Whistler community. WAC believes that the arts are integral to a healthy community and the culture of a community.
The Whistler Arts Council advocates for the arts, local artists and the local community; provides the community access to the arts and vice versa; provides resources and information to the community, outside organizations and local artists by acting as a referral service, co-programmer and information network.
Direct Correspondence to:
Lynn Erikson
c/o Lynn Erikson
12-2213 Marmot Place
PO Box 1587 Whistler, BC
Canada V0N1B0
Tel: 604-938-2472
Home Page: Lynn Erikson's Latest Website
All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright 2025 Lynn Erikson - Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation (Formerly
the Worldwide Nature Artists Group) www.natureartists.com.
This site represents the original artwork (nature art and wildlife art) of nature
artist and wildlife artist of Lynn Erikson and is protected by international copyright laws. Use
of nature art, wildlife art or any other images or text from this site, requires
permission in writing from Lynn Erikson (Lynn Erikson).
This site is part of the Artists for Conservation (AFC) Web site. (Wildlife
Art - Nature Art - Conservation) Artists for Conservation is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to
nature art, wildlife art and conservation. On this site you will find world-class
nature art and wildlife art by today's leading nature artists & wildlife artists.
The AFC site is the Web's premier location for nature art, wildlife
All content appearing in pages featuring Lynn Erikson is the sole responsibility of Lynn Erikson. The opinions expressed on these artists' pages are those of Lynn Erikson and do not necessarily reflect those of the Artists for Conservation
Foundationi (AFC).