Linda Miller Feltner
Nature and Wildlife Art |
Linda M. Feltner is an award-winning nature artist and educator. She combines the creativity of artistic design with strict standards of scientific accuracy, into what has become her trademark. Her areas of expertise include painting and drawing, teaching national workshops, and maintaining her flourishing freelance business in interpretive illustration. Linda has instructed for the UW Scientific Illustration Certification Program, and teaches for the Art Institute-Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. Linda’s aim is to provide a spark--to awaken curiosity and invite questions, to promote an appreciation for the complexity of nature and to foster a desire to protect it. She holds a Master’s of Art degree in painting and drawing. She is a Signature Member of Artists for Conservation and the Society of Animal Artists.
Artist's Statement
As an artist and interpreter of the natural world, I have become a visual storyteller. Animals, plants and landscapes share intertwining lives. With close observation and attention to detail, their remarkable stories can be portrayed. Not only does my work represent strict standards of accuracy, but also through my Fine Arts background, I combine the creativity of aesthetic design to present a story while maintaining scientific authenticity. This has become my trademark.
I’ve traveled to forest, tundra, jungle and desert that intrigued my senses, proposed mysteries and revealed the relationships in nature. Interpreting these stories has become my way to illustrate the value of these places.
I enjoy illustrating an animal’s physical features, but also take great pleasure visually portraying further insights about its behavior and habitat. It’s essential to show connections between a species and the world it shares. By inspiring others to look and to see, I hope to promote an appreciation for the delicate complexity of nature and to foster a desire to protect it. Unaltered landscapes still hold undiscovered stories and by conserving these places we’ll have tales to tell for years to come.
From early childhood I have maintained a lifelong interest in drawing and hold a Masters of Art degree in Painting and Drawing. My experience spans through zoo illustration, birding field guide, teaching, book and magazine illustrations, exhibitions, lectures and workshops. I have been an instructor for the University of Washington Scientific Illustration Certification Program and currently for the Art Institute of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. My extensive career has provided educational interpretation for zoos and aquaria, visitor center murals, trail signage, books and brochures for environmental education centers, the National Park Service, US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and numerous municipalities. I am a Signature Member of Artists for Conservation and the Society of Animal Artists, and the Guild of Scientific Illustrators. I received the Society of Animal Artists Exhibition: Art and the Animal’s “The Ethology Award for the Best Depiction of Natural Behavior in Any Medium” and the “Western Art Collector Editor’s Choice Award”.
Support for Conservation:
American Bird Conservancy World Wildlife Fund
Special Achievements:
- 2015 - Society of Animal Artists 55th Annual Exhibition
"The Full Monte"
- 2014 - "The Art of Conservation 2014"
"Desert Fan-Crested Saguaro"
- 2014 - "Society of Animal Artists 54th Annual Exhibition: Art and the Animal
"Saguaro Sentinel"
- 2014 - "Art of the Animal Kingdom-XIX"
(1) "Desert Fan-Crested Saguaro" (2) " Evening Encounter"
- 2014 - "America's Parks Through the Beauty of Art-II"
(1) "A Mischief of Jays" (2) "Evening Encounter"
- 2013 - "The Wildlife Experience in Art" Rocky Mountain Animal Artists
"Canyon Illumination"
- 2013 - The Art of Conservation 2013
(1) "Manzanita Afternoon-Gambel's Quail" (2) "Evening Encounter"
- 2013 - "Society of Animal Artists-Art and The Animal-53rd Annual Exhibition"
(1) Evening Encounter
- 2012 - Guild of Natural Science Illustrators 2012 Annual Exhibition
(1) "A Mischief of Jays". A People's Choice Award. (2) "Canyon Illumination"
- 2012 - The Art of Conservation 2012
(1) "A Mischief of Jays" (2) "Manzanita Afternoon - Gambel's Quail"
- 2012 - The Society of Animal Artists 52nd Annual Exhibition
"A Mischief of Jays". (1) The Ethology Award for the Best Depiction of Natural Behavior in Any Medium. (2) Western Art Collectors Magazine Editors Choice Award.
- 2011 - The Art of Conservation 2011
"Canyon Illumination" - watercolor. Selected for the Exhibit at the AFC Festival at Grouse Mountain, British Columbia.
- 2011 - Guild of Natural Science Illustrators-Education Series Guest Lecturer
Invited to teach a three-day Education Series Workshop on Bird Illustration, Kearney, Nebraska.
- 2011 - Guild of Natural Science Illustrators Annual Exhibit 2011
"Summer Meadow", scratchboard. Selected for the annual Juried Exhibit.
- 2010 - Focus on Nature XI: Natural History Illustration
Two paintings accepted in the exhibition; "Elegant Pair" received a Jury Award, and "Manzanita Afternoon, Gambel's Quail".
- 2010 - Guild of Natural Science Illustrators Annual Exhibit 2010
"Elegant Pair", watercolor and "Pacific Northwest Stream, Kelsey Creek". Selected for the Juried Annual Exhibition.
- 2010 - The Art of Conservation 2010
"Elegant Pair", watercolor. Selected in the 2010 AFC Juried Exhibit.
- 2015 - Art Institute of the Arizona Sonora Desert Musuem Permanent Collection
1.) "The Full Monte" 2.) "Ladies First"
- 2014 - Art Institute of the Arizona Sonora Desert Musuem Permanent Collection
"Saguaro Sentinel"
- 2013 - Arizona Sonora Desert Museum Permanent Collection
(1) "Desert Fan- Crested Saguaro" (2) "Evening Encounter"
- 2009 - Arizona Sonora Desert Museum Vanishing Circles Collection
"Elegant Pair" and "Violet-crowned Hummingbird in Ocotillo".
Organization Membership:
- 2011 - The Society of Animal Artists, Signature Member
Devoted to promoting excellence in the artistic portrayal of the creatures sharing our planet, and to the education of the public through informative art seminars, lectures and teaching demonstrations.
- 1996 - Guild of Natural Science Illustrators
The Guild is a nonprofit organization, founded at the Smithsonian Institution in 1968, of persons employed or genuinely interested in the field of natural science illustration. It maintains and encourages high standards of competence and professional ethics by increasing communication among its members, and assisting others who are preparing to enter the profession. The Guild provides opportunities for professional and scholarly development, and seeks to promote better understanding of the profession among the general public and potential clients requiring the services of natural science illustrators.
All rights reserved. All images and text © Copyright 2024 Linda Feltner - Member of the Artists for Conservation Foundation (Formerly
the Worldwide Nature Artists Group) www.natureartists.com.
This site represents the original artwork (nature art and wildlife art) of nature
artist and wildlife artist of Linda Feltner and is protected by international copyright laws. Use
of nature art, wildlife art or any other images or text from this site, requires
permission in writing from Linda Feltner (Linda M Feltner Artist, LLC).
This site is part of the Artists for Conservation (AFC) Web site. (Wildlife
Art - Nature Art - Conservation) Artists for Conservation is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to
nature art, wildlife art and conservation. On this site you will find world-class
nature art and wildlife art by today's leading nature artists & wildlife artists.
The AFC site is the Web's premier location for nature art, wildlife
All content appearing in pages featuring Linda Feltner is the sole responsibility of Linda Feltner. The opinions expressed on these artists' pages are those of Linda Feltner and do not necessarily reflect those of the Artists for Conservation
Foundationi (AFC).